东省揭阳市新兴喜乐塑胶制品厂位于塑料日用品之乡的广东揭阳市,成立于1996年。生产的塑料衣架,保鲜盒,冷水壶以其物美,真材实料赢得外贸客户的青睐,产品供不应求 揭阳市喜乐塑胶制品厂是一家从事日用塑料的开发、生产及销售于一体的制造商。产品揭阳,广州,深圳,义乌,宁波,汕头以及世界各地,在同行业中享有较高声誉。 本厂配备现代化的生产设备,拥有一批的技术人员和经验丰富的操作人员,并实行严格的质量控制标准,为产品提供强大的技术支持及品质。现生产的“瑞鸽”牌产品有:冷水壶、保鲜盒、衣架、衣帽勾、水瓢、牙签罐、塑料镜子、肥皂盒、洗衣刷、卫生刷...以其工艺、新颖美观、质量可靠、规格,完善的售后服务,赢得了广大消费者的信赖及赞誉, 我们将继续坚持“追求品质、塑造品牌”的企业宗旨。以“的质量,的服务,竞争力的价格”作为经营理念,热忱欢迎广大客户垂询惠顾,共展鸿图! Plastic Products Factory Jieyang City is a joy in daily plastic development, production and sales of professional manufacturers. The factory is equipped with modern advanced production equipment, has a professional and experienced technical staff operating personnel and strict quality control standards for the product provides strong technical support and quality assurance. Is the production of ""Swiss Dove"" brand products: cold water bottles, crisper, clothes hangers, coat hook, bailer, toothpicks cans, plastic, mirrors, soap, washing brush, brush ... its superb health, novel and beautiful , reliable, complete specifications, perfect after-sales service, won the trust of consumers and praise, sold around the world, in the same industry enjoys high reputation. We will continue to adhere to the ""pursuit of excellence, create the perfect brand"" the business. To ""first-class quality, first-class service, very competitive prices"" as a business philosophy, warmly welcome our customers throughout the inquiry, were the glorious future!
详细资料 | |
公司名称 | 揭阳市榕城区新兴喜乐塑胶制品厂 |
企业法人 | 陈松卿 |
所在地 | 广东潮州 |
企业类型 | 私营资企业 |
成立时间 | 2000-04-01 |
注册资金 | 0 万元万人民币 |
主营行业 | 刀叉 |
主营产品 | 刀叉,勺,筷,签 |
主营地区 | 榕城区下义工业区 |
经营模式 | 或其他机构 |
年营出口额 | 揭阳市大兴不锈钢制品有限公司 成立时间:2006-02-20 |
经营范围 | 加工塑料制品、五金模具。 |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司邮编 | 521000 |
公司电话 | 13670569472 |