东宝12年来从事:棉氨纶布、人棉布、四面弹保暖布、天鹅绒、竹纤维、帆布、华夫格、毛圈布、毛巾布、罗马布等织造、染色、印花、后整理、拉毛、剪毛加工,可以为您提供来料加工、来样加工、各种针织布的经销,。东宝印染的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临江苏东宝印染有限公司商洽。Based on advanced techniques of knitting、pre-processing 、dyeing and printing , Dongbao (Jiangsu Dongbao textile-dyeing&printing co.,ltd) is professional in making and processing various sorts of knitting fabrics. Dongbao is located in downtown of Jintan City Jiangsu Province, 80 kilometers away from Nanking Lukou International Airport. Since its foudation , Dongbao has been strategic partners of different customers home and overseas. To follow the trend in modern clothing market, Dongbao has concentrated more on developing new designs and on shortening the time to make prototypes. We offer the newest designs for our customers and help to make it patented.Authorized to import and export goods independently, Donbao is certified by ISO9001(Quality) and ISO14000(Environment). Had been awarded as the AAA-Class Foreign Trade Enterprise 3-years in-succession by the local government , Dongbao is famous for its whole-hearted responsibility for environment and positive contribution to the local economy.
详细资料 | |
公司名称 | 江苏东宝印染有限公司 |
企业法人 | 孙文 |
所在地 | 江苏常州 |
企业类型 | 有限责任公司 |
成立时间 | 2001-11-13 |
注册资金 | 人民币39258110万 |
员工人数 | 50-99 |
主营行业 | 箱包 |
主营产品 | 全棉汗布,针织拉架布,竹棉布,保暖布,四面弹,棉毛布,全棉汗布,罗马布,华夫格,帆布,毛圈布,毛巾布,贡缎布,针织仿牛仔,不倒绒 |
经营模式 | 贸易型 |
最近年检时间 | 2018年 |
登记机关 | 常州市金坛区市场监督管理局 |
经营范围 | 箱包 |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司邮编 | 213200 |
公司电话 | 0519-82895678 |