无锡超值车业有限公司成立于2005年5月,公司座落于“国际制造基地”——无锡新区,是一家的集自行车和电动车避震前叉制造的公司。目前已分别在无锡和天津建立了两大生产基地,产品涵括了简易款避震前叉、仿液压避震前叉、豪华款液压避震前叉、摇臂前叉以及各种规格后减震器和车把。公司已在2007年通过ISO9001:2000国际质量管理体系认证,公司拥有国内生产设备和检测设备、的制造工艺以及一支具有十年知识和实践经验的技术团队。目前已能够严格地按照国际质量管理体系要求进行全过程质量管控,从而确保公司产品质量让顾客满意。超值车业在“诚信、勤奋、热情、”的经营理念引导下、在“在努力中铸就超值品牌”的行动标语号召下,公司全体员工在不断地创新中按制定的目标跨步奋进!我们坚信在持之以恒的努力中将铸就一个的“超值”品牌!Wuxi Chaozhi Vechile Company Ltd. was founded in May,2005 and was located in Wuxi New District which was called International Manufacturing Base.The company is commited to produce suspension front fork device for bicycles and electric bicycles.Currently, the company has two branches , one is in Wuxi and the other is in Tianjin. The product ranges from simple models suspension fork device, imitation of hydraulic shock absorber front fork, deluxe models of hydraulic shock absorbers Fork, rocker Fork,rear shock absorber of all models and handlebar.The company has passed ISO:2000 in 2007 and is possessed with national advanced manufactuing equipment, testing equiment, superb manufacturing process and a technical team which devoted to the industry for ten years.For the time being,the team is able to produce and monitor according to International Organization for standardization to ensure the satisfaction of customers. Credit, diligence, passion and excellent are our company concepts. Guided by the motto“effort makes brand”,all the employees are progressing day by day and we are confident to do an execllent Chaozhi brand.
详细资料 | |
公司名称 | 无锡超值车业有限公司 |
企业法人 | 陈文智 |
所在地 | 江苏镇江 |
企业类型 | 私营资企业 |
成立时间 | 2005-04-14 |
注册资金 | 390万人民币 |
主营行业 | 起动齿轮 |
主营产品 | 起动齿轮,齿轮轴,汽车单向器等 |
主营地区 | 无锡市新吴区鸿山街道鸿昌路75号 |
经营模式 | 贸易型 |
经营范围 | 汽车电子零配件、自行车及电动自行车零配件的生产、销售;机电产品的研制、开发、销售;汽车配件、电子元件、五金、刀具、日用百货、化工原料、润滑油、塑胶制品、模具的销售;普通货运。() |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司邮编 | 212000 |
公司电话 | 0510-88668866 |