公司资金雄厚、设备、技术,是集棉纱生产、加工、收购;棉短绒加工、购销等多种经营为一体的综合型企业。多年来,我们本着“立足纺织求生存、围绕市场求发展”的宗旨,以人为本,诚信经营,依托订单,做大做强纺织主业。靠良好的信誉,被市农行评委“AAA级信用企业”,先后荣获“工业技术创新企业”“河南省纳税单位”“就业再就业单位”“河南省重合同守信用单位”等荣誉称号,多次得到市委市、县委县、工商界及税务部门的表彰和奖励,并且本企业经过河南省商务厅,河南海关批准,拥有自营进出口权。 我们秉承“质量为本,客户至上,诚信经营,薄利多销”的经营宗旨,以“引管理,纳人才”为企业发展宗旨,充分运用“以人为本”的现代化企业经营管理理念,深入贯彻公司的各项制度,进一步营造持续发展的企业文化氛围,实现规模化、正规化。真诚欢迎来自全国各地的客商来电、来函,洽谈业务,真诚合作!Xuchang Wei Ding Textile Co., Ltd. is located in the hinterland of the Central Plains, is located is known as ""the flower"" the laudatory name of Yanling, convenient transportation, the Beijing Zhuhai high speed, 107 National Road, Beijing Guangzhou railway, 311 national road runs through the north and the south, across the East and West, away from Xinzheng International Airport only 40 minutes, traffic is very convenient.Company funds and fierce, equipment, advanced technology, is a set production, processing, cotton purchase; cotton linters, sales and other business as one integrated enterprise. Over the years, we the spirit of ""based on the textile of survival, around the market and development"" purposes, people-oriented, integrity management, relying on orders, textile industry bigger and stronger. Relying on good reputation, by the Agricultural Bank of China, the ""AAA grade credit enterprise"", has won the ""technology innovation"" advanced enterprises in Henan province ""tax advanced unit"" and ""re employment advanced unit"" ""Henan provincial contract Shou Credit units"" and other honorary titles, many times by the municipal Party committee, City Hall, county Party committee, county government, the business sector and the tax department of the recognition and reward, and the enterprise after the Commerce Department of Henan Province, Henan customs approval, has the right to import and export.
详细资料 | |
公司名称 | 许昌纬鼎纺业有限公司 |
企业法人 | 张金生 |
所在地 | 河南鄢陵县 |
企业类型 | 个体经营 |
成立时间 | 2011-07-19 |
注册资金 | 200万人民币 |
主营行业 | 棉纱的生产 |
主营产品 | 棉纱的生产,加工,购销,棉花,棉短绒的购销,从事货物和技术的进出口业务(国家法律法规规定应经审批方可经营或禁止进出口的货物和技术除外) |
主营地区 | 鄢陵县马栏镇大田村 |
经营模式 | 生产+贸易型 |
经营范围 | 棉纱的生产、加工、购销;棉花、棉短绒的购销;从事货物和技术的进出口业务(国家法律法规规定应经审批方可经营或禁止进出口的货物和技术除外)。 |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司电话 | 0374-7758588 |