三亚格夫森礼品有限责任公司(GIFTHINK SANYA LTD)是外商资企业,是法国GIFTHINK集团下属的中国子公司。注册地在海南省三亚市,法人代表是Francesco Guarnieri。 中国子公司成立于2001年,总部在三亚市,下设北京,义乌,上海(负责中国区销售服务)分公司,主要经营玻璃制品,水晶制品,文具类,陶瓷器皿,打火机,太阳眼镜等等礼品和工艺品。由于品质优良,信誉,深受Cocacola;SLF;Gruppo;Solution,Disney等客户的青睐,同时也可为客户来样设计等等。 随着经营规模的扩大,我公司逐渐在石家庄、义乌、宁波、杭州、温州等地建立起生产基地,以满足日益增长的国内外客户的需求。 不断地创新、对品质的严格要求、以积极主动的精神为客户提供的服务是GIFTHINK一贯坚持的经营理念,GIFTHINK 将提供更新、更的产品和服务与您与世俱进GIFTHINK SANYA LTD, a foreign invested company, is the Chinese subsidiary of GIFTHINK Group. The company incorporated in Hainan Province, City of Sanya. The Legal representative is Francesco Guarnieri.This company was funded in year 2001 with it’s headquarter in Sanya. It has 3 branches respectively locates in Beijing, Yi Wu and Shanghai. These branches are responsible for the sales in Chinese market. The company’s main products include: glass products, crystal products, stationery, China, lighter, sun glasses and the other kinds of gifts and craftwork. Due to the high quality, these products are welcomed by some famous customers such as Coca Cola, SLF, Gruppo, Solution and Disney, etc. The company also renders designing services to customers.With the expansion of business, we are setting production units in Shijiazhuang, Yiwu, Ningbo, Hangzhou and Wenzhou to meet the increasing requirements of customers from home and abroad. Keeping innovation, Sticking on quality and Serving customers initiatively is our operation conception. GIFTHINK will provide you with more updated higher quality products & services and is willing to improve with you together.
详细资料 | |
公司名称 | 三亚格夫森礼品有限责任公司 |
企业法人 | 弗兰西斯科 |
所在地 | 海南海口 |
企业类型 | 股份有限公司 |
成立时间 | 2004-05-19 |
注册资金 | 60 万元万人民币 |
主营行业 | 各类品 |
主营产品 | 各类品,礼品原材料半成品加工,包装,进出口各类礼品,品,化妆品,进出口各类食品,饮料,酒类零售等相关业务,进出口和销售美容,美体,保健电子设备,企业管理咨询和商业策划,游乐设施设备进出口代理服务,建筑装饰装修服务,广告服务,会议展览服务 |
主营地区 | 海南省三亚市河西路金河公寓B座1层 |
经营模式 | 生产+贸易型 |
经营范围 | 各类品、礼品原材料进行半成品加工、包装;进出口各类礼品、品、化妆品;进出口各类食品、饮料、酒类零售等相关业务;进出口和销售美容、美体、保健电子设备;企业管理咨询和商业策划。(凡需行政许可的项目凭许可证经营) |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司邮编 | 570100 |
公司电话 | 0898-88298141 |