"我司是山东省家生产粗纺针织毛纱的大型毛纺企业拥有日本京和、波兰梳纺设备共6台套生产线,染整设备由香港东成提供。年产各类毛纱1000吨,历年来产品出口比例都在90%以上,主要销往美国、香港、日本和西欧等地。与英国玛莎百货(M&S)、香港耀光行、香港亚非等合作十余年之久,1999年被M&S为纱线配套厂。毛纱质量优良稳定,纱线条干均匀,色牢度、抗起球等指标达到国际羊毛局TM250标准,色纱检测不含APEO,符合欧盟的进口要求,在国际市场享有较高的声誉。我司拥有、的检测仪器及的科研开发人员,可以根据客户要求开发各式新品种毛纱。欢迎您来我司参观指导,并期待着为您提供好的服务! LinYi United woolen textile Co.Ltd is the first professional one in woolen yarn manufacturing field in Shandong province. We have 6 production lines which were imported from Japan Poland besides our dying equipments were provided by Hong Kong. The annual output of our company is 800 tons and more than 90% of them were exported to America Western Europe Japan and Hong Kong . We have been in cooperation with M&S Hong Kong Yaoguang and Hong Kong Yafei for more than 10 years. Our company was designated as the professional yarn knit factory for the M&S. The worsted quality is good and stable the yarn is even. The index of color fastness degree pilling resistance etc have attained international TM 250 in the wool bureau standard no APEO found through the color yarn test meeting the requested importing standard of EU possessing a good reputation in the international market.Our company has well-found examination instruments and professional researching personnel that can produce every kind of new product according to the need of customer.Welcome to our company to have a visit and give some instructions and hoping that we can provides you with the best service!"
详细资料 | |
公司名称 | 临沂联合纺织有限公司 |
企业法人 | 张连怀 |
所在地 | 山东临沂 |
企业类型 | 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股) |
成立时间 | 2008-12-05 |
注册资金 | 人民币11000000万 |
员工人数 | 小于50 |
主营行业 | 纺织原料 |
主营产品 | 毛纱,纱线 |
经营模式 | 生产加工 |
最近年检时间 | 2018年 |
登记机关 | 临沂市罗庄区市场监督管理局 |
经营范围 | 生产、销售:兔毛、羊毛混纺纱,羊毛衫(以上经营项目国家禁止的除外;需许可生产经营的,须凭许可证生产经营)。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)。 |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司邮编 | 276017 |
公司电话 | 86 0539 8242618/824 |
公司传真 | 86 0539 7113599/824 |
公司网站 | http://www.sdlhfz.cn |