"我公司是一家的机械设备贸易公司,多年来致力于机械设备的出口贸易,经营产品包括纸类加工设备、纸浆设备、塑料机械、食品包装机械、饮料机械、冰激凌设备、香皂设备,包装机械等。 Ever since its inception in 1992 COMEQ has been devoted itself to project organization as well as equipment import and export. It has established good reputation and relationship with various organizations suppliers and governments both domestic and overseas. COMEQ has successfully organized and involved with various projects in such areas as energy comstruction material chemical and light industry. COMEQ has maintained an outstanding team of experts in different areas set up an effieient organizational system andestablished high-tech production and management settings. Based on the requirements of clients we can provide project feasibility analysis designing installation testing management training and techinical support. 2. Equipment and Machinery COMEQ imports and exports equipment and machinery for wide range of industries. We guarantee satisfactory service regardsless of your requirement. 3. Contact Details:www.comeqmachinery.com"
详细资料 | |
公司名称 | 青岛利安行贸易有限公司 |
企业法人 | 李东宇 |
所在地 | 山东青岛 |
企业类型 | 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股) |
成立时间 | 2004-09-28 |
注册资金 | 人民币3000000万 |
员工人数 | 小于50 |
主营行业 | 纸业网 |
主营产品 | 机械设备,机械设备 |
主营地区 | 南美; 东欧; 东亚; 东南亚; 中东; 非洲; |
经营模式 | 生产加工、经销批发 |
最近年检时间 | 2014年 |
登记机关 | 青岛市市南区市场监督管理局 |
经营范围 | 批发零售:针纺织品,工艺品,文体用品,服装鞋帽,五金机电产品(不含小轿车),橡胶塑料制品,建材,钢材,装饰装潢材料,日用百货,金属材料(不含洗归贵金属),化工产品(不含危险品),电子产品,家用电器,皮具箱包,仪器仪表。生产、加工:机械设备(不得在此住所从事生产、加工),机械设备工艺设计;货物进出口,技术进出口(法律、行政法规禁止的项目除外,法律、行政法规限制的项目取得许可后方可经营)。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)。 |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司邮编 | 266071 |
公司电话 | 86-532-85719090 |
公司传真 | 86-532-85710555 |