潍坊海化开发区东明化工厂地处环渤海经济圈,位于山东潍坊滨海经济开发区内,区内拥有丰富的卤水资源,是全国原盐、纯碱生产基地之一。我公司是生产氯化钙、融雪剂、防冻剂的企业,拥有目前中国的生产线,年生产能力10万吨,是目前中国大型氯化钙、融雪制品生产企业之一。主要产品有氯化钙(球、粉、片状)及普通型、低温型、环保型三大系列,十多个品种的融雪剂、防冻剂。我公司同时销售纯碱、聚氯乙烯、碳黑、小苏打、泡花碱等产品。公司产品已销往日本、韩国、加拿大、美国、俄罗斯及北欧等国家和地区,产品质量特别被日本客户认可。国内销售均达到工业氯化钙新国家标准GB/T26520-2011、北京市地区质量指标DBII/T161-2002,国内销往北京、烟台、济南、东北等地区。为加强和客户的沟通联系,企业在日本、韩国设立了代表处。热忱欢迎国内外朋友前来我厂考察,洽谈业务,共谋发展。BRIEF INTRODUCTION Weifang Haihua development zone dongming chemical plant is located in the Bohai Sea economic circle,located in Weifang Binhai Economic-Technological Development Area,the area is rich in brine resources,is one of the national production base of raw salt.Our company is specialized in the production Thaw medicinal preparation,antifreeze business,with China the most advanced production lines,yearly production capacity of 100,000 tons,is China’s largest manufacturer of snow melting products.The main products are common,low-temperature-based and environment-friendly three series,more than 10 varieties Thaw medicinal preparation,anti—freeze,the company has a production Thaw medicinal preparation at the same time,anti-freeze products supporting calcium chloride,magnesium chloride production lines,annual production capacity of calcium chloride 210,000 tons,10,000 tons of magnesium chloride.I also sell soda,polyvinyl chloride,carbon black,sodium bicarbonate,sodium silicate and other products,our products have been sold to Japan,South Korea,Canada,the United States,such as Russia and the Nordic countries and regions,particularly the quality of products by the Japanese customers. Our products obey the latest national standard GB/T26520-2011 and the standard in Beijing area DBll/T161-2002,home sold in Beijing,Yantai,Jinan,the Northeast and other regions.To enhance communication and customer contact,business in Japan,South Korea to set up a representative office.Warmly welcome friends both at home and abroad come to visit our factory and negotiate business .
详细资料 | |
公司名称 | 潍坊海化开发区东明化工厂 |
企业法人 | 袁秀娥 |
所在地 | 山东潍坊 |
企业类型 | 私营资企业 |
成立时间 | 2002-03-07 |
主营行业 | 无水氯化钙 |
主营产品 | 无水氯化钙,二水钙,防冻剂。 |
主营地区 | 滨海经济开发区大九路东600米 |
经营模式 | 生产+贸易型 |
经营范围 | 生产:氯化钙;销售:化工产品(不含许可产品)、国家允许的货物进出口业务。(以上经营范围均不含法律法规限制和禁止经营的项目,需许可经营的凭相关许可或资质经营) |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司邮编 | 261000 |
公司电话 | 0536-5326288 |