公司简介 宁波市世纪工矿灯具有限公司建于2006年,初建投入资金1200余万元,建造了占地几十亩的现代化厂房和一整套国内的剪板、拉伸、焊接、涂搪、炉窑等搪瓷生产设备。主要生产搪瓷锅(搪瓷蒸锅、搪瓷汤锅、搪瓷直锅)、搪瓷碗、搪瓷杯、搪瓷煎盘等。 公司拥有一批的搪瓷技术、企业管理、市场营销人员。公司拥有自主进出口权,经过这几年的市场开拓,公司以优良的产品品质和的生产技术,了很大的市场份额。产品销往韩国、欧洲、美洲等地,并且也有了更大的发展。公司在这样的前景下,抓好常规产品的同时,不断开发新产品,扩大生产规模,现又开始增建了一条新技术的电炉窑生产流水线,以提升品质,谋求更大的市场空间。 公司率先通过了ISO9001-2000质量认证、清洁生产等。连年被评为市级“重合同守信用” 、“消费者信得过”企业等称号。 NingBo ShiJi GongKuang Lamps Co.,Ltd was founded in 2006,In the beginning the company invested two million dollars to establish a modernization factory and sets of advanced equipments in the enamelware lines in domestic, like the making model , stretching , jointing, painting, and the furnaces and so on. The company has a passel of technicist, manager person and the sales that have huge experiences in enamelware. The company have own export and import rights. Through our efforts in these years, as the good quality products and the advanced technology, we have had a very huge market share in this field. The products are exported to the Korea, Europe countries and the America, and the same time we have a good promotion in our domestic market. In this prospect, as make our common products time, the company develop more new products continually ,and now in order to promote the better quality of the products and have a more huge market share, we are making a electronic furnace production line that have the newest technology . The company have passed the ISO9001-2000 quality system certification and the clean manufacture . Enterprise departments have been rated as "take contract, re-credit" enterprise, consumer trust units for some years.
详细资料 | |
公司名称 | 宁波市世纪工矿灯具有限公司 |
企业法人 | 符立群 |
所在地 | 浙江宁波 |
企业类型 | 私营股份有限公司 |
成立时间 | 2001年07月25日 |
注册资金 | 人民币500万 |
主营行业 | 搪瓷汤锅 |
主营产品 | 搪瓷汤锅,搪瓷蒸锅,搪瓷碗,搪瓷煎锅,搪瓷杯,礼品,... |
主营地区 | 浙江省余姚市凤仪路97号 |
经营模式 | 服务型 |
经营范围 | 灯具及灯具电器附件的制造、加工、销售、安装,搪瓷制品、五金件、冲件的制造、加工、销售。钢材、铁皮、塑料原料、化工原料(除危险化学品)的批发、零售。自营和代理货物和技术的进出口,但国家限定经营或禁止进出口的货物和技术除外。分支机构经营场所设在余姚市梁弄镇湖东村邱家72号。 |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司邮编 | 315402 |
公司电话 | 0574-62359882 |