"本公司是一家从事研发、生产、销售水源热泵、空气源热泵热水机、空气处理机组、工业空调的企业。空调器系列产品涵盖:水源热泵(分体式/整体式)空调机、水冷柜机、水冷/风冷恒温恒湿机、水冷冷水机组(全封闭涡旋式),风冷式分体空调机、风冷冷水机/热泵机组、空气处理机组/风机盘管、工业空调机。 “旭日”拥有的生产设备和精良的检测仪器及一批从事研究开发的中、技术人员和具有良好的声誉,而我司的一切销售业务将通过经销商网络进行,我司将在技术及宣传上全力支援。此外,为提供优良的售后服务,厂方的技术人员用各地区的维修中心为用户提供快捷的维修服务,我司本着热诚进取,不断创新的精神与各客户共创美好。 主要经营中央空调、机房空调、设备空调、环保净化空调,等。本公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进缺的经营理念,坚持“客户”的原则为广大客户提供的服务。欢迎广大客户惠顾! Dongguan sunrise Air Conditioning Equipment CoLtdfounded on Dec1998is located at Dongguan CityGuangdong Province a popular and energetic city that also has the advantages of convenient transportation to Asia and the worldwide。 sunrise is the professional manufacturer specialized in research and development of Water Source Heat PumpHeat Pump Waterindustrial Air Conditioneradn AIR handling Units. In2000we have been started to co-operate with foreign advanced water source heat pump manufacturer "Wintech-air"and apply our R&D effort to develop our units. In 2003we have been started to develop and manufacture the industrial air conditioner. sunrise believes in "Quality is Our Future "hence we invest heavily in quality control and exercise strict QC for every product we manufactured and making suer wen can comply to International Standards such as ISO9001CCCCESASO and more As the export takes up 50% of our business our prouducts are sold over 100 countries and regions worldwide。"
详细资料 | |
公司名称 | 世星空调设备有限公司 |
所在地 | 广东东莞 |
企业类型 | 有限责任公司 |
员工人数 | 51 - 100 人 |
主营行业 | 空气净化器 |
主营产品 | 中央空调.机房空调,环保净化空调,室内游泳池空调,酒库空调,工业冷水机组,水冷恒温恒湿机,风冷恒温恒湿机,吊顶式空调,分体式整体式空调,工业除湿机组,组合式空气处理机组,电梯空调,地源热泵热水机组 |
主营地区 | 全球; |
经营模式 | 生产加工 |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司邮编 | 523000 |
公司电话 | 86-0769-87955948 |
公司传真 | 86-0769-87955948 |
公司网站 | http://www.samzhangrui.cn |