"东莞美晨实业电器是一家研工贸为一体的实业公司以经营小家电电器为主香港.上海.广东均设办事处2005年开始面向现在在国内已稳步发展!1962The company is founded by Francesc Betriu and Jordi Escaler in Oliana a small village in the Pyrenees. Taurus Group is created with the aim of coordinating and promoting Taurus internationally both through European subsidiaries and by purchasing a company in Brazil (Mallory) as well as setting up an office in Hong Kong.TodayTaurus Group continues its expansion in the Spanish market with new business lines DIY and its white range. Internationally the strategy of new purchases continues in India (Inalsa) South Africa (Mellerware) and new companies are started in Poland Morocco and Mexico. http://www.taurus.es http://www.monix.eshttp://www.mallory.com.br http://www.imaginapoint.comhttp://www.inalsaappliances.comhttp://www.creativehouseware.co.za"
详细资料 | |
公司名称 | 东莞美晨实业电器有限公司 |
企业法人 | 王华明 |
所在地 | 广东东莞 |
企业类型 | 股份有限公司 |
员工人数 | 101 - 200 人 |
主营行业 | 温度仪表 |
主营产品 | 电子元器件,家用电器,五金配件,小家电,模具,五金,个人护理品,风扇,电子产品,通讯用品,五金厨具,电动工具,咖啡壶,油榨锅,多士炉,面包机,电水壶,电烫斗,吹风筒,电风扇 |
主营地区 | 大陆; 港澳台地区; 北美; 西欧; 全球; |
经营模式 | 生产加工、经销批发 |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司邮编 | 523000 |
公司电话 | 86-0769-85163156 |
公司传真 | 86-0769-85166326 |
公司网站 | http://www.taurus.es |