"广州市高升商行2000成立,位于广州市增槎路白云摩配337档,刚开始以仪表、后视镜、灯具为主,后来通过兼并另外多家摩配公司,产品扩大到经营包括新光外壳件、金顶力部件等。2003年以后主要经营正一品牌,主要有后视镜、仪表、灯具等系列产品。由于公司产品、服务周到,公司的摩配销售业务发展迅速、营业额不断上升。现有客户有300多家,主要分布在广西、珠三角、江西一带,并且我们的产品到中东、东南亚、欧洲、印度等地。在未来的几年,公司将加大业务宣传和拓展力度,力争使高升的销售业绩、客户服务质量再上一个台阶。我们的目标是打造的摩托车配件品牌企业。公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念为广大客户提供的服务 以真诚的态度与广大客户合作, 共谋发展。GAOSHENG Motorcycle Accessory Firm was established in the year 2000 and located in number 337 the Guangzhou Baiyun Motorcycle Accessory market. Its business initially was based on motor back mirror speed clock and lamps etc. The firm’s products covered plastic spare parts by mergered other accessory companys later the firm’s products covered plastic spare parts known as XINGGUANG and JINDINGLI. Since 2003 GAOSHENG applied its own brand “ZHENGYI”and ranged products such as back mirror speed clock and lamps were involved into it. Because of the full range of products and attentive services the firm’s businesss has developed rapidly. Nowadays it has built about 300 customers who are mainly in the Pearl River Delta Guangxi province and Jiangxi province etc. In addition our products are exporting to the Middle East Southeast Asia Europe India and other places. In the following years the firm will step up publicity and business development efforts in striving to make the company’s sales customer service quality to be a higher level. The company’s goal is to create the first-class brand of motorcycle accessories business in China. The Company follows a business principles of “customer first to strive for progress“ for customers with quality services,and will cooperate with wide customers based on the most sincere attitude for development together in long term."
详细资料 | |
公司名称 | 广州市白云区松洲高升摩配商行 |
企业法人 | 洪和赞 |
所在地 | 广东广州 |
企业类型 | 个体户 |
成立时间 | 2005-04-29 |
主营行业 | 交通运输网 |
主营产品 | 后视镜,仪表,灯具,塑料件,大叉三星,排气管,钢圈轮古,开关,减震器,发动机件,滤心器,座包 |
主营地区 | 大陆 东亚 东南亚 中东 非洲 |
经营模式 | 经销批发、招商代理 |
最近年检时间 | 2014年 |
登记机关 | 广州市白云区工商行政管理局 |
经营范围 | 摩托车零配件批发;摩托车零配件零售; (依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓 |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司邮编 | 510000 |
公司电话 | 86 020 81982217 |
公司传真 | 86 020 81982217 |
公司网站 | http://www.ansondawn.cn |