此藏品为粉彩花鸟纹描金温酒器,粉彩瓷是珐琅彩之外清宫廷又一创烧的彩瓷,釉色精美,包浆醇厚自然。藏品器身描绘的是花鸟图,图案精美生动,画面淡雅柔丽,构图严谨,显得格外生意盎然,为粉彩瓷的精细之作。 此藏品保存至今较为难得,收藏价值。
This collection is a pastel flower and bird painting gold wine wine, pastel porcelain is a colorful porcelain in the Qing court outside the enamel, the glaze is exquisite, the patina is mellow and natural. The collection body depicts the flower and bird figure, the pattern is exquisite and vivid, the picture is light and elegant, the composition is rigorous, it is very business-oriented, and it is the fine work of pastel porcelain. This collection has been preserved so far and is very collectible.