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2014年2月9日,一名矿工在缅甸克钦邦西部的帕敢发现重达20吨的巨型翡翠原石后,截至20 缅甸玉石矿区帕敢




  评价翡翠有“地”、“好水”、“翠得好”等术语。“地”指翡翠中其他颜色,玉少翠多为上品;“好水”指翡翠质地细嫩润滑,通透清澈,晶莹凝重,碧亮喜人,也称 翡翠戒指之为“俏”,反之称“水差”;“翠得好”当合“浓、阳、正、和”四字,“浓”是指浓而不淡,如雨后冬青,“阳”是指鲜艳明亮,“正”指无杂色、邪色相混,“和”是指翠得均匀无深浅之分,反之则称“淡、阴、邪、花”。


  童子观音 成交价格 47460万元 广东保利 2012-12-15

  绿色翡翠观音雕件 成交价格 14560万元 广东保利 2011-08-07

  翡翠大方牌 成交价格 10350万元 北京艺融 2011-11-19

  玻璃种高手翠条圆镯 成交价格 5175万元 北京艺融 2011-11-19

  翡御制翠雕水丞 成交价格 4945万元 北京保利 2012-12-05

  翡翠珠链 成交价格 4657万元 北京翰海 2011-11-17

  满绿玻璃种翡翠观音挂坠成交价格4140万元 北京艺融 2011-11-19

  公司操作流程(The Auction Operation Flow)

  步:您的藏品在我们公司签完拍卖合同之后,我们公司当天会为您的藏品拍照,由公司电脑美工人员加工成精美图片上传公司,这一步骤不是为了您的藏品终成交,而是为了让更多的人知道您的藏品,只有知道的人越多,成交的概率才会越大。(The first step: After signing our contract, our company will take pictures of your collection, process from the company computer artists into beautiful pictures uploaded company's official website, this step is not for you collections final deal, but to let more people know about your collections, only those who know more people can improve the probability of turnover.)

  第二步:我们公司每个月都会邀约公司VIP买家团队前来公司选购藏品,买家数量在20到40人一批次,一个月会有两次次。拍卖的藏品我们都会主推给买家,但凡有买家看中您的藏品也出价了,出的价格已经接近了您的藏品保留价,我们会直接和您沟通,如果您愿意成交那就直接交易。如果价格出低了,我们会向他签订购买意向,等藏品参拍的时候会邀请他前往拍卖会现场。(这类买家主要是投资意向买家)(Step Two: Our company will offer the company a month to the company to purchase VIP buyers Team collections, the number of buyers in the 20-40 people a lot, there will be twice a month. The auction will be the main push our collections to buyers, whenever you fancy collections buyers will bid。 If the price is close to the reserve price for your collection, we will communicate with you directly, Only if you are willing to deal it is done directly . If not, we will purchase intent signed to him, and other collections will be invited to participate when the film he went to the auction site. (Such buyers are mainly investment intentions buyer)

  第三步:我们公司会把您的藏品信息刊登到国内外有名的收藏杂志报刊上去。会去订阅这类杂志的都是收藏家,艺术品投资商,他们要是感兴趣的话会联系我们公司,有购买意向的话我们公司会邀请他前往拍卖现场。(这类买家都是隐性的收藏家,投资商,购买意向是很大的,而且相对而言财力非常雄厚)(Step Four: Our company will be published to your collection of information collection domestic and foreignal famous newspapers and magazines .Then they Will go to subscribe to such magazines, if they are interested, then they will contact the company,next,we will invite them to the auction site. (Such buyers are recessive collectors, investors, purchase intent is great, importantly very wealthy。

  第四步:公司会在拍卖之前做成拍卖图录,拍卖图录会在拍卖之前半个月寄到每个卖家和买家手上,我们公司邀请去参加拍卖会的买家和有购买意向的买家以及签订购买意向的买家都会人手一份。(Part four: The company will make the auction before the auction catalog, auction catalog will be sent prior to sellers and buyers in the end of two weeks, our company will be invited to participate in the auction about buyers and buyers purchase intention and buyers will purchase intent signed a staff.)

  第五步:拍前预展,拍卖会场地都是安排在香港和澳门的五酒店或大的场里面,拍卖会天会举行拍卖之前的展览,那个时候买家也有可能看中您的藏品之后出价,如果出价合适,也能直接现场交易。(Step Five: shoot before the pre-show, auction sites are arranged inside the five-star hotel in Hong Kong and biggest Sands in Macon。there is a three-days exhibition before the auction 。The buyers maybe feel fancy and bids after your collections, if bid appropriately, it will directly live trading.)

  第六步:拍卖会现场拍卖。(二五八法则)(Step Six: the auction site for auction. (Two hundred fifty-eight law)


  翡翠项链 成交价格 4140万元 澳门中信 2013-10-27

  满绿翡翠挂坠 成交价格 4025万元 北京艺融 2011-11-1







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@2009-2024 京ICP证100626