德国IA测量海水ITA-3磁翻板液位计台塑厂使用 高经理
IntraSonic Clamp-on Ultrasonic Flow Meter
Measurement of the volume fl ow of liquids in closed pipes
using the direct transit time measuring principle.
Physical values:
- Volume fl ow in pipes ranging from 1/2” to 354” outside
- Velocity of fl uid
- Speed of sound of fl uid
- Acoustical damping of fl uid
Advantages of the clamp-on sensors:
- measurement, maintenance, and exchange without
- no sawing, boring or welding of the pipe is necessary
- simple and fast to install and dismantle
- low cost alternative for accuracy fl ow measurement in
large pipes and high pressure applications
Measurement specifi cations:
- Measuring accuracy (standard): ±1 to ±3 % of
the measured value, depending on upstream and
downstream pipe running
- Detection limit: ±0.03 f/s
Wall thickness sensor:
- Measuring range 3 – 40 mm
- Min. outside pipe diameter 80 mm
- Accurancy ±0,1 mm
IS200-P: Design for portable application
It is a low cost and simple device for measuring fl ow at
different measuring points.
Complete portable fl ow measurement system featuring:
- one channel ultrasonic transmitter with battery and
- ultrasonic transducers
- all fi tting assemblies, rails and other accessories
IS200-S: Design for the stationary application
( ATEX EExi / EExd certifi cation available)
Complete portable fl ow measurement system featuring:
- one- or two-channel transmitter
- ultrasonic transducers
- all fi tting assemblies, rails and other accessories