Copyright 西安相远科技有限公司 高经理
Copyright 2002 by Intra-Automation GmbH
No part of this catalogue may be reproduced in any way (print, photo copied or any other method) prior to written
authorization by Intra-Automation GmbH nor may this catalogue be used, distributed or copied in any electronic
Scope and Validity
This catalogue only covers ITABAR flow sensors. Information about other products manufactured by IntraAutomation, such as level, ultra sound, flow computers, purge instruments, signal converters, etc can be
requested by fax or e-mail via our home page.
Categorizing ITABAR Differential Pressure sensors according to Pressure Instruments
Guidelines („Druckgeräterichtlinie“) 97/23EG (PED)
According to article 1 Abs. (2), Nr 2.1.4 of „Druckgeräterichtlinie 97/23/EG (PED“ the ITABAR sensors are
pressure containing devices. Pressure is generated in both measuring chambers and no medium is flowing. For
this reason they are classified as „containments“ . The containment volume is smaller than 1 liter.
In consideration of diagram 1 from Anh.II of the „Druckgeräterichtlinie“ all differential pressure sensors with a max.
pressure of 200 bar (2940 psig) fall into the category „Gute Ingenieur Praxis“ (SEP) (good engineering practice)
and may not be marked with a CE symbol (see Artikel 3 Abs. 3.). Installation components such as flanges, weldo-lets do not meet the definition of pressure instruments and thus are not labelled with the CE symbol.
The information contained in catalogues, sales literature and other written submittals, e.g. drawings and
submittals containing technical proposals, are to be checked by the customer prior to acceptance and installation.
A customer cannot derive any claims from such submittals and addtional services against Intra-Automation or
employees of Intra-Automation, except in such cases where these have acted in bad faith or in a negligent
manner. Intra-Automation reserves the right to alter their products within reasonable and commonly acceptable
limits – applicable also to already accepted orders - without notification. All trade marks used in this publication
remain the property of the respective firm. ITABAR is a trade mark of Intra-Automation GmbH.