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Intelligent Power Instrument

The main configuration of PTC 9300H is a computerized 3 phase power source with a built-in precision reference instrument. It sets new industry standards in the field of test & calibration measurements. The PTC 9300H fulfills 4 important functions :

o Reference output readings

o Power transducers' calibrations

o Power meter calibrations

o Test data and setting ranges can be printed out via the parallel port.

PTC 9300H features software control system with multiple micro-processors fully integrated to produce highly stable synthesized 3 phase power outputs and reference readings. All control and selection functions are digitally accessible from the PTC 9300H's front control panel or optionally through a RS-232 port to a remote PC. With the proprietary software, testing functions, results and file management are easily performed. The PTC 9300H's VFD illuminated display screen allows for clear readings and menu command operation.

· Reference Output Readings

The PTC 9300H's 3 phase synthesized source is capable of simulating broad variations of 3 phase 3 wires and 4 wires networks. These 3 phase power outputs with fully adjustable ranges are highly accurate and suitable for laboratory and field applications. This model has the standard accuracies of :

o 0.02% reading for Voltage, Current and Frequency

o 0.05% reading for Watts, Vars, Power Factor, WH, VarH

o 0.015o for Phase Angles

· Power Transducer Calibration Function

In transducer calibration function, the provided analog & digital inputs allow the PTC 9300H to perform comparative error calibrations when testing most types of power transducers.

The calibration process is simple as it uses numeric symbol codes in identifying the transducer type, input and output range. A list of commonly used calibration ranges are preprogrammed into PTC 9300H. Some of non-programmed test can be accomplished into test by using programmable input & output ratio function and correcting input and output relationships to meet requirements.

Calibration is further simplified with the option to perform all tests in either fully automatic or manual steps mode. A high degree of refined calibration is achievable as all test modes are divided into 7 or 11 test points (steps).

· Power Meter Calibration Function

Besides transducer calibration, PTC 9300H is also designed for power meter testing & calibration. Similarly, it adopts the simple numeric symbol codes for defining the test meter types, input range and class. Additionally, The power meter calibration function features :

o Direct error detection of the test meter

o Direct range readings with PT / CT ratio selection



· Intelligent Power Instrument

· Reference Output Readings

· Power Transducer Calibration Function

· Power Meter Calibration Function

型 号



· 3 Phase Reference Output :

o Output System :

3 phase 4 wires......Van/Vbn/Vcn......Aa/Ab/Ac

3 phase 3 wires...... Vab/Vbc/Vca...... Aa/Ab/Ac

o Voltage Output :

Range selection : Digitally adjustable by numeric keys

Output range :

0~300.00V : L - N phase voltage

0~520.00V : L - L line to line voltage

Resolution : 0.01V

Accuracy :

0.02% (RD) 60~300V range (VL-N)

0.02% (RD) 90~520V range (VL-L)

0.02% (RG) 5~300V range (VL-N)

0.02% (RG) 10~520V range (VL-L)

Temperature influence : 23+ 2oC, 15ppm peroC (5~40oC)

Frequency influence : Typically 0.001% per Hz (48~62Hz range)

Output load : 15VA maximum at 300V, Resistive or inductive impedance or below 2000 PF capacitive impedance

Frequency influence : Typically 0.001% per Hz (48 ~ 62Hz range)

o Current Output :

Range selection : Digitally adjustable by numeric keys

Output range : 0~6.2000A, 3 phase

Resolution : 0.0001A

o Accuracy :

0.02% RD, 0.25~6.0A range

0.02% RG, 0.01~6.2A range

o Temperature influence : 23+2oC, 15ppm peroC (5~40oC)

o Frequency influence : Typically 0.001% per Hz (48~62Hz range)

o Output load : 15VA maximum at 6 amp Resistive or inductive impedance

o Power Output .... Watts and Vars

Frequency influence : Typically 0.002% per Hz (48~62Hz range)

Temperature influence: 23 + 2oC, 30ppm/oC (5~40oC)

o Phase Angle :

Range selection : Digitally adjustable by numeric keys

Output range: 0 ... 359.9o

Resolution: 0.1o

Accuracy 0.015o VP3 60V, VL3 90V

A3 0.5A

Temperature influence: 23 + 2oC, 15ppm per 。C (5~40oC)

o Frequency :

Range : Digitally adjustable 45.00~65.00Hz

Resolution : 0.01Hz

Accuracy: 0.02% RD

Temperature influence: 23 + 2oC, 10ppm per oC (5~40oC)

· Transducers Calibration :

o Types of measured : V / A / W / Var / Ø / F / WH / VarH

o Calibration process : Software control

o Selection : Under defined file with code selection

o Input ratio : 0~1.2 selectable (initiate to 1)

o Output ratio : 0~9.9999 selectable (initiate to 1)

o Test mode : Auto or step

o Error detection: % RG for analog input, % RD for digital input

o Type of calibration : Analog / Digital

· Accuracy Test :

o Analog input ... for V / A / W / Var / Ø / F types

o DCV : 0.006% RD + 0.004% RG + 0.2mV, 0~10V auto range / input resistance > 30M 1/2, 30 ppm/oC, 5~40oC

o DCmA : 0.006% RD + 0.004% RG + 0.4mA, 0~20mA auto range / input resistance 250 1/2, 30 ppm/oC, 5~40oC

o Input ratio : 0~1.2 selectable (initiate to 1)

o Output ratio : 0~9.9999 selectable (initiate to 1)

o Test mode : Auto or step

o Error detection: % RG for analog input, % RD for digital input

o Type of calibration : Analog / Digital

o Digital Pulse Input for watthour and varhour transducer and meters:

Type : Open collector or pulse

Logic signal level : High3 1.8V Low2 0.8V

Sink : 1mA minimum

Max input over-range : 50V maximum

· Balance Test :

o Type : Only for Watts, Vars, Watthour, Varhour

o Current: Enable output one of Ia, Ib or Ic

o Deviation: % in full scale

· Ripple Test (option) :

o Type : For analog type input, V/ A / W / Var / Ø / F

o Deviation: Peak to peak % in full scale (option)

· Meters Calibration :

o Types of measured : V/ A / W / Var / Ø / F (WH and VarH to use transducer's calibration function)

o Calibration : Software control

o Selection : Under defined files with code selection

o Error detection : Up / down for output deviation, % in full scale

o Deviation : Proportional control according to measured accuracy class

o Ratio setting : Primary to secondary to match, meter indicating scale, PT or CT or PT*CT ratio, Range 1*(1-999999), Range 0.001*(1-999999)

o Test contents : Under defined tables and files with test code selection via input & output ranges

· Communication ports :

o RS-232 Port (option) :

RS-232 interface port : Remote control and reading of PTC 9300H

Galvanic isolation : 2KV RMS AC

Baud rate : Selectable UART 1200/2400/4800/9600 bps

o Print-out Port :


Direct print-out of PTC 9300H test results

· Display / Power / Dimensions :

o Display :

VFD screen : Illuminated, 4 rows * 32 alpha-numerics

o Power Supply :

Single Phase Mains : AC 90~260V, 45~65Hz

o Dimensions:

Size : 534.0 * 500.0 * 163.65mm (W*D*H), portable / desk-top

Weight : 30 Kg approximately





触屏版 电脑版
@2009-2024 京ICP证100626