The CXHB6555 CXHB6556A CXHB6556B CXHB6557 is a high voltage, high speed power MOSFET and IGBT driver based on P_SUB P_EPI process. The floating channel driver can be used to drive two N-channel power MOSFET or IGBT independently which operates up to 120 V. Logic inputs are compatible with standard CMOS or LSTTL output, down to 3.3V logic. The output drivers feature a high pulse current buffer stage designed for minimum driver cross -conduction. Propagation delays are matched to simplify use in high frequency applications. It has two versions CXHB6555 CXHB6556A CXHB6556B CXHB6557
z Fully operational to +120 V
z 3.3 V logic compatible
z Floating channel designed for bootstrap operation
z Gate drive supply range from 10 V to 20 V
z Output Source / Sink Current Capability 450mA / 900mA
z Independent Logic Inputs to Accommodate All Topologies
z -5V negative Vs ability
z Matched propagation delay for both channels
z Small and medium- power motor driver
z Power MOSFET or IGBT driver