SDC标准深度色卡 SDC Standard Depths BS1006 A01:1990
This set of four cards illustrates internationally agreed depths in a range of six steps from 2/1 to 1/25 and is fully described in ISO 105 A01.They cover a range of 18 hues plus two navies and two blacks, and are used to illustrate the depths of shade used by dye manufacturers when producing fastness results for use in dye pattern cards.
SDC 标准色深度卡由四张卡片组成,包括6个等级,从2/1至1/25,在ISO 105 A01中也有详细表述,其函盖18种色调外加两种藏蓝色和两种黑色,用于显示色度,是由染色厂家在生产色牢度结果时供染色图样卡使用。
符合标准:BS1006 A01:1990
产 地:英国