Series YTP diaphragm pressure gauge (chemical seals) is composed of a conventional pressure measuring instrument, a connector and a diaphragm seal. This combination enables a general purpose pressure gauge to measure media of strong corrosion, high temperature, high viscosity, containing suspended matter or crystallizing. Diaphragm gauges are universally used in petrochemical, alkali, chemical fiber, pharmaceutical,metallurgical, and food industries.
配接化学密封系列压力表的工作原理如图所示。隔离膜片在被测介质压力P的作用下产生变形,压缩内部充填的工作液形成一个相当于 P的压力 P’。经工作液的传导,使压力仪表中的弹性元件自由端产生相应的变形,并按与之相配接的类别压力仪表工作原理显示出被测的压力值。
Configuration Principle
This illustration shows the operating principle of the diaphragm pressure gauge.The diaphragm is deflected by the pressure of me-dium P, and an equivalent pressure P’ is generated.With transmitting through working fluid, the pressure
P’ deflect the elastic element of a pressure measur-ing instrument which thereafter shows the pressure value.