求购安捷伦 5314A Basic Universal Counter
qq在线:496088755 /1260411589
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Email: sxf916@
NOTE: suggested replacement is the Keysight 53220A and this product may be found by selecting the Related Products link.
Imagine Your Counter Doing MORE...
\"I never expected a frequency counter to do so much so fast!\"
53200 Family of RF and Universal Frequency Counter/Timers
The Keysight 5314A universal counter combines excellent performance and traditional quality with an attractive price. The general-purpose counter delivers high-quality measurements for applications in production test, frequency monitoring, telecommunications maintenance, education, training, and service.
Functionality includes frequency, period, time interval, ratio, and totalize measurements. A battery option makes the 5314A especially suited to field and portable applications.
安捷伦Agilent/HP、泰克Tektronix、安立Anritsu、罗德施瓦茨R&S、爱德万Advantest、艾法斯Aeroflex、马可尼IFR/Marconi、吉时利Keithley、日立Hitachi、 松下Panasonic、
福禄克Fluke、致茂Chroma、力科Lecroy、莱特波特LitePoint、是德Keysight 、横河Yokogawa、柯尼卡美能达KONICA MINOLTA、思博伦Spirent 等世界品牌。