The PS3120A is a low no ise switched capacitor voltage doubler. It produces a regulated output voltage from a 2.7V to 4.5V input. Low external parts count (one flying capacitor and two small bypass capacitors at VIN and VOUT) make the PS3120A ideally suited for small, battery-powered applications.
The PS3120A have thermal shutdown capability and can survive a continuous short circuit from VOUT to GND. A low current shutdown feature disconnects the load from VIN and reduces quiescent current to <1ìA.
The PS3120A is available in the industry standard SOT-23-6L power packages.
Ø Fixed 4.94V±3% Output
Ø VIN Range: 2.7V to 4.5V
Ø Output Current: Up to 110mA (VIN≥3V) Up to 230mA (VIN≥3.6V)
Ø Low Noise Constant Frequency (360kHz) Operation
Ø Shutdown Current <1ìA
Ø No Inductors
Ø Available in Low Profile 6-Lead SOT23 Package
Ø White LED Backlighting
Ø Li-IonBattery Backup Supplies
Ø Smart Card Readers
Ø PCMCIA Local 5V Supplies