ELNEC系列烧录器 BeeHive204烧录座 支持可烧录IC多达9488种 非凡的烧录速度(64-Mbit NOR Flash烧录时间不超过9秒,1Gbit NAND Flash 烧录不超过70秒。) 支持48pin万用驱动,软件免费更新下载 支持ISP量产烧录。测试座每个PIN脚都有ESD保护 完全自动异步烧录无需等待,大大提升烧录效率 USB端口连接PC,兼容Win98至win7操作系统 已被EC实验室证明CE规范 通过USB Hub可并连多台机器量产烧录。 BeeHive204高速烧录器--东莞嘉多利烧录器IC代工烧录IC烧录烧录 BeeHive204是高速烧录器,支持4*48pin万用驱动的多烧录系统。其设计用于高量产烧录,可da限度节省人力,BeeHive204除了具备Beeprog烧录器的硬体外,它还有四个彼此立的万用烧录模组。因此烧录座可以不同时运作。烧录器一探测到测试座中IC放好,烧录模组即开始烧录。 支持可烧录IC多达70988种 非凡的烧写速度(烧写64Mbit FLASH少于7秒,Gtit NAND FLASH少于70秒) 支持48Pin万用驱动,软件免费更新下载可测试TTL/CMOS的逻辑IC和Memories 支持ISP量产烧录,测试座每个PIN脚都有ESD保护 完全自动异步烧录无需等待,大大提升烧录效率 USB端口连接PC,兼容Wincdows98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/XPVista/7操作系统 已被EC实验室证明CE规范 通过USB Hub可并连多台机器量产烧录 提供详尽的实进帮助文档和相关的IC资料 量产烧录器BeeHive208S BeeHive208S量产烧录器供应商BeeHive208S量产烧录器价格 编程器Beehive208S,Beehive204,一写多IC烧录器,万用量产_编程器_ BeeHive208S programmer is practically identical with the BeeHive8S programmer, difference is 'only' much higher programming speed (up to 10x) of high-capacity memories.The BeeHive208S is an extremely fast universal 8x 48-pin-drive Stand-Alone concurrent multiprogramming system designed for high volume production programming with minimal operator effort. The chips are programmed at near theoretical maximum programming speed.The BeeHive208S consists of 8 independent isolated universal programming modules, based on the BeeProg2 programmer 硬件. Therefore the sockets can run asynchronously (concurrent programming mode). Each programming module starts programming at the moment the chip is detected as inserted in the socket properly - independent of the status of the other programming modules. As a result, seven programming modules can be working while replacing the programmed chip on the eighth.Graphics control unit with touch screen provides basic control and easy monitoring of the programming flow.Modular construction of the硬件 - the programming modules work independently - allowing for continued operation if a part of the circuit becomes inoperable. It also makes service quick and easy.Hands-free operation: asynchronous and concurrent operation allows a chip to begin programming immediately upon insertion. The operator merely removes the finished chip and inserts a new chip. Operator training is therefore minimized.Supports all types of the silicon technologies found in the programmable devices of today and tomorrow without family-specific modules. You can be sure that new device support will require only a software update and (if necessary) a simple package convertor (programming adapter), therefore minimizing ownership costs.Using built-in in-circuit serial programming (ISP) connector, the programmer is able to program ISP capable chips in circuit.Combines very competitive pricing with excellent 硬件 design for reliable programming. Probably the best 'value for the money'programmer in its class.Very fast programming due to high-speed FPGA driven 硬件 and execution of time-critical routines inside the programmer. As a result, when used in manually-operated production, this one-socket-programmer in most cases waits for an operator.Banana jack for ESD wrist strap connection to easily implement ESD protection control.