永恒力叉车蓄电池品牌大全概括市面Jungheinrich电瓶叉车适用叉车电瓶牌子,可用贝朗斯牌叉车电池作为永恒力叉车牵引力来源,广州贝朗斯库存充足,配送及时,全系列型号表可配套,永恒力叉车电瓶多少钱呢?一般这个价格依靠车型、容量决定,符合DIN、BS、GB标准,品牌不同价格不一样, 叉车电池意指用于叉车上的蓄电 池组,这种电池依靠充电才能循环使用,虽然充电过程中自然产生的氢气混合了硫酸的味道,但注意时刻通气,不能抽烟,有明火;不可此时接或者打电话,否 则电瓶会爆炸;不可过充电;也不可长期不充电;不可充电室面积过小;不可不及时补充电解液;不可不及时补充蒸馏水等等,与电瓶叉车打交道就注定了需要终身 为奴一辈子,叉车电池的充电电流不可过大,充电电流过大,会导致电池极板刺穿,脱落,那么充电的时候,电解液搅拌起来了,将脱下的粉末也浮了起来,味道自 然大啦。永恒力叉车电瓶维修一般是根据单体判断,出现单体问题可更换并组。www.berens-china.com叉车电池
Jungheinrich永恒力叉车电瓶一般叉车配件维修店可有卖,选择广州贝朗斯作为供应商。永恒力叉车蓄电池设计寿命5年以上,维护保养决定它的寿命,贝朗斯公司从业多年,拥有永恒力叉车电池标准图纸, 叉车蓄电池的我们比较常见的电动叉车动力,随着时间的推移,电池 使用的时间会缩短,寿命也下降,正如人一样,生老病死不可避免,大自然的规律和产品一样,有它的终结期;如何延续它的使用次数及提高它的利用率,这个是每 个叉车用户都想知道的,正常的叉车电池在放电时形成硫酸铅结晶,充电时比较容易地还原为铅,如果电池地使用和维护不善,例如经常充电不足或过放电,负极上 就会逐渐形成一种粗大坚硬硫酸铅。这种硫酸铅用常规的方法充电很难还原,要求充电电压很高,由于充电时充电接受能力很差,大量析出气体。这种现象通常发生 在负极,被称为不可逆硫酸盐化。缺少电解液;电解液含有杂质或电池内部短路,造成内部自放电,使有效物质日久形成硫酸铅; 经常使铅酸蓄电池过量放电或小电流过量深放电;缺少应有的定期过充电或经常充电不足,在活性物质中或多或少残缺一部分未能还原的硫酸铅;电解液密度过高或 温度过高、过低。电解液在配置过程中要产生热量,冷却到30℃~10℃时灌入蓄电池,温度过高或过低的电解液对蓄电池性能有影响;内部有短路故障,未 及时排除;长期处于半放电放电(如泻电)状态下;放电后,24小时内没有及时补充电。
在后期使用过程中,永恒力叉车蓄电池轻微的电池硫化,尚可用一些方法使它恢复;严重时则电极失效,充不进电,采用针对严重硫化的充电方法 若不能够恢复容量的。电池将提前报废。消除硫化的方法有几种?特点是什么?实质就是使白色坚硬的硫酸铅结晶,软化细化溶解,增强极板内部可逆性化学反应能 力,使之恢复良好的性能。用10小时率电流充电至电液比重到1.120后,再用10小时率充电电流的1/5继续充电,直到正负极板都均匀冒气,电解液密度 不再升高为止,用20小时率电流电流连续充电直冒泡(端压2..4V/只),停止充电半小时,再用10小时率充电电流的1/4继续充电到电解液中大冒气泡 时,再停止充电20分钟,重复进行几次,延续几昼夜,直至电气恢复正常,避免过量放电,因放电的深度越大,充电就越频繁,正极的活性物质PbO2本身结构 不牢,充电时活性物质体积膨胀充电时体积收缩,放电越深其体积膨胀和收缩就越剧烈,这样反复,PbO2粒子之间的相互结构逐渐松弛,***后脱落形成硫化。只要不过度充电、放电,永恒力叉车蓄电池主机动力还是很长的,比内燃叉车使用更加划算。
***HEINRICH forklift battery brands market summary battery forklift forklift battery for Jungheinrich brand, brand forklift battery as shell lens available ***HEINRICH lift truck traction source is adequate, Guangzhou Bei Langsi inventory distribution timely, full range of models table can be matched, ***HEINRICH fork car battery how much money? This price depends on the models, the capacity decision, in line with DIN, BS, GB standard, the brand price is not the same, which means the battery forklift battery for forklift truck, the battery must rely on the charge to be recycled, although naturally produced in the process of charging hydrogen mixed sulfuric acid taste, but that moment can not smoke ventilation. There is a fire, can not be connected at this time; or call, otherwise the battery will explode; not overcharge; nor long charging; non rechargeable room area is too small; can not replenish electrolyte; can not be timely to add distilled water and so on, dealing with forklift destined to life as a slave for a lifetime, forklift battery charging current can not be too large, the charging current is too large, will cause the battery plate pierced off, then the charging time, stirring up the electrolyte The powder that will take off also floats up, the flavor is naturally big. ***HEINRICH forklift battery repair is generally according to the single judge, single body problem can be replaced and group.
Can Jungheinrich forklift battery forklift accessories maintenance ***HEINRICH general store, Guangzhou Bay as a supplier of lens. ***HEINRICH lift truck battery design life of 5 years, maintenance will determine its life for many years, Bei rance company, with ***HEINRICH forklift battery standard drawings, electric forklift forklift battery power we are common, with the passage of time, the battery life will be shortened, life also decreased, just like people, and nature is inevitable. The law and the product, has its end; how to extend its use frequency and increase its utilization rate, this is each user wants to know the forklift, forklift battery normal form lead sulfate crystals in the discharge, charging more easily reduced to lead, if the battery use and maintenance of poor. For example, often insufficient charge or discharge, the cathode will gradually form a thick hard lead sulfate. This kind of lead sulfate is hard to be charged by conventional methods. The charging voltage is very high. Because of the poor charge acceptance ability, a large amount of gas is produced when charging. This phenomenon usually occurs in the negative pole, which is called irreversible sulfation. The lack of electrolyte; electrolyte containing impurities or battery internal short circuit, causing the internal self discharge, so that the effective material or formation of lead sulfate; often make lead-acid battery over discharge or small current excessive deep discharge; lack of proper regular charging or often insufficient charge, in the active material is more or less incomplete lead sulfate part could not restore the electrolyte density; the temperature is too high, too low or too high. The electrolyte to generate heat in the configuration process, must be cooled to 30 DEG to 10 DEG C when poured into the battery, the electrolyte temperature is too high or too low to have influence on the battery performance; internal short-circuit fault, not eliminated in time; at half discharge (such as reducing long-term electricity) state; after discharge, 24 hours is not timely add power.
In the late stage of the process, ***HEINRICH forklift battery battery vulcanization is slight, some available methods make it recovery; serious when the electrode failure, not charge, the charging method for curing serious if not able to recover capacity. Battery will be scrapped in advance. How many methods are there for the elimination of vulcanization? What are the characteristics? The essence is to make white hard lead sulfate crystal, soften, refine, dissolve, strengthen the internal reversibility of the plate, chemical reaction ability, so that it can restore good performance. 1.120 to 10 hours charging current to the electro-hydraulic proportion, then 10 hour rate charging current 1/5 continue to charge, until the positive and negative plate uniform gas, the electrolyte density is no longer increasing, the rate of current continuous charging current for 20 hours straight bubble (end pressure 2..4V/), stop charging for half an hour, and 10 hour rate the charging current 1/4 continue to charge into the electrolyte in the bubbling, then stop charging 20 minutes, repeated several times, last for a few days, until the electrical return to normal, to avoid excessive discharge, because of the depth of discharge is larger, charging more frequently, the cathode active material PbO2 structure itself is not strong, the volume of active material the expansion of charging volume shrinkage when charging, discharge the deeper its volume expansion and contraction is fierce, so repeatedly, each structure between the PbO2 particles gradually relaxed, finally off the formation Sulfuration. As long as you don't over charge and discharge, the battery powered host ***HEINRICH lift truck or a long, more cost-effective than the use of a forklift.