全自动台历 挂历 笔记本单/双线圈装订机调试齿距 Teeth pitch adjustment
There are three parts supporting with the wire. 1. The pins. 2. The pin stands and 3. The teeth guide.
5.3.1导线块是各种齿距通用一个规格,只须通过调整导线块旁边的“齿距调节螺丝”将其左右移动位置。Wire running teeth guide is a kind of common specification. Just loosen the screws can move it to left or right position.
5.3.2穿好线之后先用“手动绕线”生产一段线圈,检验齿距是否符合要求(可以在机器上的导向齿距条上检验),如齿距偏大,则把“齿距调节螺丝”顺时针旋转,反之亦反。Upon the wire setup done “manual wiring” trial suitable length of coil. In case double check each coil is qualified passed. (Can inspect onto the machine on the teeth pitch guide).If the teeth pitch bigger adjust screws turn clock wise. If teeth pitch smaller, turn against the direction.
5.4全自动台历 挂历 笔记本单/双线圈装订机调试切刀 Cutter adjustment
5.4.1 先调试左切刀,刀口的开口中间位置对准需切断的线圈位置,刀口进入线圈约1/3,见下图.用同样的方法调试右切刀 。Adjust the left cutter; the centre of the cutter must face the wire cutting position. The cutter should be entered the coil 1/3 of depth. See photo 3. Use the same way for the right cutter for inspection.
5.4.2 切刀高度调整,在切刀架上有一个可调整的固定螺丝,松开调整到合适的位置锁紧即可.见图. Adjust the height for the cutter. There are adjustable screws, hoist it up can limited the cutter the height. See photo 4.
5.4.3 切刀左右位置调整,用板手松开切刀的固定滑块即可将切刀左右移动,移动到所需要的位置后再将固定滑块锁紧. Adjust the left or right position for the cutter. Loosen screw rings can move the cutter to left or right position. Tighten up when the adjustment done.
5.5 全自动台历 挂历 笔记本单/双线圈装订机润滑 Lubrications
线材须保持足够的润滑,否则表面容易刮花,请在机器放线架的润滑盒子上加注乳化水. Wire material should be keep suitable lubrication to avoid scratch problem. Please put some Castrol Syntilo for lubrications.
6.全自动台历 挂历 笔记本单/双线圈装订机机器手送料系统的调整 Adjust the feed system
The feed system of the machine is composed of the timing belt and the synchronous wheel. The position has been debugged in the right place in the factory. After a period of operation, if the tension of the belt is not enough or the position of the manipulator is deviated, the belt driven wheel can be adjusted Tighten the screws to ensure the tension of the timing belt, and then release the belt fastening block 1 to adjust the manipulator to the desired position to lock(Picture 6)。
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