空心喷嘴之偏转系列喷雾特性及用途: 空心喷嘴偏转系列具有喷射中心与进口轴线错位的特点,喷嘴的喷淋形式为锥形空心圆环形,雾化的力度较小,不易堵塞,主要应用于除尘、空气增湿,产品去污,硫的燃烧,以及其他需要冷却的设备中。 连接螺纹 A B C 3/8 16.5 40 38 1/2 25.5 51 58 材质以不锈钢,黄铜为主; Series of the deflection of hollow nozzle spray characteristics and USES: Hollow nozzle deflection series has the characteristics of jet center and the imported axis misalignment, nozzle spray form for conical hollow circular, the atomization of smaller, not easy jam, mainly used in dust removal, air humidifying, decontamination, product sulfur burning, and other needs cooling equipment. Connection thread A B C 3/8 16.5 40 38 25.5 51 58 1/2 Material is qualitative with stainless steel, brass 三件组合式扇形喷嘴设计特点 扇形喷射喷嘴能提供高冲击力的液柱流或扇形喷雾,喷射角度在0。到110。之间。该喷头产生的喷雾分布均匀,液滴粗细小到中等。当需要几个喷嘴重叠喷射时,特殊设计的边使得喷射所覆盖的区域分布均匀。所有的三件组合式扇形喷嘴 喷头都是精加工的,从而提供准确的流率和喷射角度。三件组合式扇形喷嘴 提供的是广角扇形喷雾,三件组合式扇形喷嘴 提供的是标准及广角实心锥喷雾,三件组合式扇形喷嘴 提供空心锥形喷雾。 The three combined fan nozzle design characteristics Fan-shaped spray nozzle can provide high impact liquid column flow or fan-shaped spray, spray Angle in 0.By the year 110.In between.The nozzle spray of uniform distribution, droplet size small to medium.When need several overlapping nozzle jet, a specially designed side make the regional distribution evenly covered with spray.All the three combined fan nozzle nozzle is highly processed, so as to provide an accurate flow rate and spray Angle.Three modular fan nozzle is provided by the wide-angle fan-shaped spray, is the standard provided by the three combined fan nozzle and wide-angle solid cone spray, three combined sector provide hollow cone spray nozzle. 二冷喷嘴_清洗设备用清洗喷嘴_燕尾槽扇形喷嘴 二冷喷嘴在喷嘴行业里称为燕尾槽扇形喷嘴,喷嘴的头部带有燕尾,用螺母固定,便可到达喷嘴与管子中心线所构成的角度,在管路中装上该喷嘴,即使有不同的安装高度,也能够达到雾化均匀的效果;此喷嘴的喷雾形状为扇形,水流分布成长方形抛物线状,同气水雾化喷嘴,实心锥形喷嘴配合使用,更多的适用于低头板坯连铸机的二次冷却,也可用于清洗设备中用来机械清洗。 燕尾槽扇形喷嘴,二冷喷嘴,清洗设备喷嘴主要应用于: 造纸行业毛毯网部清洗喷淋杆; 钢铁行业轧辊冷却集管; 钢铁行业连铸冷却集管; 表面处理用清洗集管;