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氨水脱硝喷枪系列喷枪产品特性: 1、在喷雾量17L/min,气水比为150的情况下,喷雾粒径平均值为50μm,粒径150μm,故具有的微粒化能力; 2、喷雾角度分别为20°和60°两种; 3、微雾喷嘴,是以新构想而开发出的大流量,并具有微粒化能力的二流体喷嘴; 4、以低气水比而使喷雾微粒化,因此用少量的压缩空气可做大流量的喷雾; 5、构造简单,维修容易。 可选材质:303、316不锈钢;同时还有310不锈钢和哈氏合金材质可供选择。 The characteristics of ammonia denitration gun: 1, produce the average particle size is 70 microns 'micro fog' two fluid fan nozzle. 2, flow adjustment range is larger, and spray Angle changes small. 3 shape, spray particle size uniform in all area. 4, equal distribution of flow, suitable for most of the nozzle arrangement is used, jet distance, strong penetrating power. 5, foreign body through the diameter is big, not easy to block. 6, simple structure, easy to maintain 7, portable design, easy installation and removal of more quick, save installation, maintenance workload. 8, spray gun cylinder propulsion system can be used for automatic spray gun propulsion, prolong the service life of spray gun. Ammonia denitration gun main use: 1, denitration: ammonia, urea, such as reducing agent spraying. 2, cooling, boiler exhaust gas, such as casting cooling. 3, wet: concrete, waste gas humidification. 4, burning: waste water, waste burning Material: 303, 316, 310 stainless steel, alloy The spray shape: fan product introduction Ammonia denitration gun ordering information: Feizhuo - F - SS 电厂脱硝工程 电厂SNCR脱硝可行性: 1. 国内外SNCR脱硝在电厂锅炉和工业锅炉上已广泛应用,脱硝率达标,该项技术已经为相关认定为成熟可靠的脱硝技术; 1. The SNCR denitrification at home and abroad has been widely used in power plant boiler and industrial boiler, denitration rate up to standard, the technology has relevant experts identified as the most mature and reliable denitration technology; 2. 锅炉烟气的温度有符合SNCR反应的温度范围,可以确保高的脱硝率。 2. The boiler flue gas temperature in SNCR reaction of the best temperature range, can ensure that the highest denitration rate. 3. 中小型锅炉炉膛和烟道截面积小,有利雾场分布和还原剂的混合,确保脱硝率。 3. The middle and small boiler furnace and flue cross-sectional area is small, good fog field distribution and the mixture of reductant, ensure the denitration rate. 4. 投资低且不需要对锅炉进行改造,对锅炉系统的正常运行基本无影响; 4. Low investment and no need to modification of the boiler, basic no effect on the normal operation of the boiler system; 电厂锅炉SNCR脱硝系统有氨水和尿素两种还原剂,以下分别对两种系统进行介绍。 Power plant boiler SNCR denitration system has two kinds of ammonia and urea reducing agent, the following to introduce two kinds of system respectively. 电厂脱硝系统组成:卸氨系统、储存系统、清水系统、混合系统、加压系统、计量系统、分配系统、雾化系统、冲洗系统、喷淋系统、排污系统、控制系统; Power plant of denitration system: ammonia unloading system, storage system, water system, mixing system, pressure system, measuring system, distribution system, atomization system, rinse system and spray system, sewage system, control system; 系统特点: System features: 1. 不需要大规模改造,不使用催化剂,不产生固体废料; 2. 不需要还原剂的溶解过程,自动化程度高。 3. 关键设备部件都设有备用,系统安全运行; 4. 锅炉温度符合SNCR的反应温度,脱硝。 5. 对生产工艺和锅炉设备质量无影响。 系统用途:用于水泥生产线、电厂锅炉、工业锅炉的烟气脱硝。 系统维护:定期对管路阀门和脱硝喷枪进行检查 ,杜绝跑冒滴漏现象,消除安全隐患,停用检修时应对管路进行冲洗,防止氨水泄露。 斐卓Feizhuo气动式伸缩喷枪性能特点 1、 雾化均匀——喷雾全区域的粒径分布均匀,为液体的均匀蒸发和吸收反应提供了非常的。平均颗粒直径只有60μm,粒径120μm。 2、 运行成本更低——低气水比是此款喷枪的优点,长时间使用更能节省运行成本。 3、 气动伸缩装置——喷枪采用气动伸缩装置,喷枪不运行时可以自动退出炉内,易于喷枪的维护,大大延长了喷枪的使用寿命。 4、 流量范围广——流量范围从3L/h—400L/h,可以满足各种流量需求。 5、 使








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