银 - 氯化银(Ag-AgCl)油墨的标准和定制配方包括各种比例的银和氯化银。SHAREX善仁新材能够满足特定客户对灵敏度和电导率的需求,以生产用于生物医学监测,诊断应用和医疗传感器。
提供耐腐蚀性化学品的银 - 氯化银油墨,包括甲基乙基酮(MEK),具有抗折和抗划痕性,并且与高盐含量水凝胶兼容等特点。
Silver-Silver Chloride (Ag-AgCl) AS5908 Inksstandard and custom formulations of silver-silver chloride (Ag-AgCl) inks include various ratios of silver and silver chloride.
SHAREX‘S silver-silver chloride electrically conductive inks are suitable for application by screen printing, pad printing, syringe dispensing, dipping and spraying as well as by flexographic and rotogravure printing methods and can be applied to a variety of substrates such as polyimide, PEEK, PET, polycarbonate and glass.
AS5906银/氯化银导电油墨通过在 80°C 至 150°C 的温度下干燥和固化,可以在各种基材上获得佳性能。 建议终用户通过实验确定适合个别应用的温度和时间。通过在 80°C 至 150°C 的温度下干燥和固化,可以在各种基材上获得良好的性能。