安徽省亳州市利辛县,本公司生产尼龙丝印网纱200目,聚酯丝印网纱,涤纶丝印网纱,丝网印刷网纱,印刷网布,尼龙丝网:由化学合成纤维制作而成,属于聚酰胺系。尼龙丝网具有很高的强度,耐磨性、耐化学药品性、耐水性、弹性都比较好,由于丝径均匀,表面光滑,故油墨的通过性也。其不足是尼龙丝网的拉伸性较大。这种丝网在绷网后的一段时间内,张力有所降低,使丝网印版松弛,精度下降。因此,不适宜印制尺寸精度要求很高的线路板等。Nylon mesh, made by chemical synthetic fiber, belongs to the department of polyamide.Nylon net has high strength, wear resistance, chemical resistance, water resistance, flexibility is good, because the wire diameter uniformity, smooth surface, so the ink through sex is also very good.Its defect is the stretchability of large nylon net.This kind of wire mesh in tension after a period of time, tension decreases, and the screen plate is flabby, precision.Therefore, not suitable for printing high dimension accuracy requirement of the circuit board, etc.