宠物食品生产线简介Production Line Line Lntroduction
宠物食品生产线赋予宠物食品以新颖的形状,特的口味和色彩,并且以科学的营养配比和易于消化等特点来适应不断发展的宠物食品市场。丰富多彩的形状和口味 适应各种宠物食品的要求。宠物食品生产线由拌粉机,双螺杆挤出机,风送机,干燥机和调味线组成
Pet food line is assigned to pet food with innovative shapes,unique taste and color,and to sccientific nutrition proportion and other featuwes toadapt tothe constantly evolvingpet food market.Taste of varied shapes andmeet the needs of pet food.Petfood production line by mixing powder,double scretw extruder ,doubie screw extruder,air machine,drying and seasoning line composition.
水产饲料生产线介绍 Production Line Lntro Lntroduction
Our company production of aquatic foods hava expanded out of soft,medium,high protein,complete nutrients,floating to the surface for a long time and no waste feed,and add trace elements,can promote the rapid growth of fish,is the ideal choice for comparison of different manufacturers.