脉冲 除 尘器产品介绍: 脉冲除尘器又被称为脉冲除尘器,脉冲布袋除尘机,气压式布袋器,脉冲袋式除尘器、脉冲除尘设备。脉冲除尘设备自五十年代问世以来,经国内外广泛使用,不断改进,在净化含尘气体方面了很大发展,由于清灰技术,气布比大幅度提高,故具有处理风量大、占地面积小、净化、工作可靠、结构简单、维修量小等特点。除尘效率可以达到 99%以上。是一种成熟的比较完善的除尘设备。 脉冲布袋除尘器目前用于五金、家具、食品、制药、饲料、冶金、建材、水泥、机械、化工、电力、轻工行业的除尘及物料回收,广泛用于打磨、抛光、喷砂、搅拌、倒料、破碎等生产工序产生的粉尘除尘净化,也适应于锅炉除尘(需配套耐高温布袋)。粉尘可集中处理,无二次污染,无扩散,精工细作,只为品质、系统稳定安全可靠、管理方便、无二次污染的治理技术,可回收再利用粉尘,节约公司成本。 Accessories are designed to be strong and durable. Most parts are made of steel structure, very strong and not easy to damage. At the same time according to the actual situation, specific different specifications of non-standard accessories.
厂家生产工业除尘器 工业用吸尘器是工业中常用的一种环保清洁设备,工业集尘脉冲集尘器采用不同的基材制作的滤芯所应对的过滤方案也不一样,用于工业生产过程中收集废弃物、过滤和净化空气、进行环境中粉尘及颗粒的清扫。 PTFE覆膜处理后对0.3μm以上的粉尘过滤效率达99%以上,工业吸尘器大量应用于纺织、化工、机械、医药、铸造等各个领域,可以预防一些职业病的危害以及提高生产效率。 cabinet body is divided into three parts of the structure, the upper part of the dust collector host, the middle part of the precision melt spray fabric bag filter dust, the lower part of the drawer type dust collection cabinet, easy to clean the dust. Reasonable design greatly save space, by the majority of industrial manufacturing and processing industry.In the suction of some heavy particles, it is necessary to consider the pipe diameter and pipe length, usually affecting the suction effect of some of the main factors are: the pipe diameter is too thick, the pipe diameter length is too long, the power of the suction fan itself is too small, the bend is connected too much and the grading is not good!