汽车密封胶BETASEAL 43533Dow 43533Dupont 原陶氏汽车 43533
BETASEAL glass bonding systems consist of BETAPRIME™ primers, and BETACLEAN™ cleaners, and BETASEAL™ urethane adhesives to provide a total solution for glass bonding applications. Innovative formulations provide a wide range of mechanical properties to suit all manufacturer requirements and are compatible with all vehicle production processes.
Electric vehicle battery packs
Quarter glass
Modular roof assemblies
Sunroof assemblies
Glass hardware
Door glass
Mixed-material bonding
High thermal conductivity
Vibration damping
Low thermal resistance
Enhanced elongation
Provides excellent performance on glass and ceramic substrates
Offers a wide range of mechanical properties
Compatible with all vehicle production processes, including cold- and warm-applied systems
High performance to the toughest OEM durability glass bonding specifications
Meets OEM durability specifications and Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) for barrier, rollover, and roof crush regulations.上海环央化工(www.hychemie.com ) 热诚 服务行业客户20年
上海环央化工科技有限公司是一家的工业胶粘剂和特种化学品的供应商,自成立以来,公司始终坚持以“服务客户”为本,以“合作双赢”为发展动力,秉承“信誉,质量至上”的经营理念。 目前公司主营品牌包括:德国汉高(henkel)及旗下的乐泰loctite、贝格斯bergquist、国民淀粉National Starch、泰罗松Teroson等;美国陶氏(Dow)及旗下的道康宁Dow Corning、杜邦Dupont、3M、爱牢达、日本三键Threebond。