新款物联网烟感NB LORA无线远距离烟雾报警器纽扣电池
Service life after high-temperature storage: Test specimen batteries, after having been stored at the temperature and period specified in Table 3, shall be kept for 12hours or longer at ordinary temperature (20±2℃) and at ordinary humidity 55±20%RH) and shall then be continuously discharged through the load resistance 30kΩat ambient temperature of 20±2℃. The discharge shall be continued until the voltage falls below the discharge end-point voltage of 2.0V, and the time during which the voltage has been maintained equal to and above the discharge end-point voltage shall be taken as the service life. (高温储存后使用寿命:测试样本电池在表3中的温度和时期储存后应在常温 (20±2℃) 正常湿度(55±20%RH)环境中储存12个小时或以上,然后在20±2℃的环境 温度中连接30k负载电阻连续放电。放电应连续直到电压降到放电终止电压2.0V , 电压维持在等于或放电终止电压的时间即是使用寿命)