潮州安利纽崔莱可以送货啦 “安利海外购”也将为伙伴拓展市场提供强大助力。“安利海外购”只在线上购买,这将成为安利互联网 战略的又一强劲引擎,有助于广大人员更容易、更地帮助公司吸引、培育追求生活的广大消费者,增强原有安利产品消费群体的粘性,构建稳健的市场基础。公司也会制定方案对人员推广“安利海外购”平台给予支持和鼓励,这无疑也了安利事业的吸引力。
Yan Zhirong believes that in recent years, the Internet has subverted many industries, including transportation, catering, and retail. The Amway Offline Experience Center also makes full use of Internet thinking and realizes online and offline integration with O2O system operation support. Through online mobile studios, cloud services, and Cyberport, attract more consumers to participate in offline activities. With the experience hall, customers can experience Amway products and the quality of life they advocate, and enhance their sense of life integration and emotional connection. At the same time, as a direct selling company, Amway has long been committed to providing more employment opportunities. The Experience Pilion will also provide comprehensive and system-wide support for every entrepreneur looking for opportunities to help all key nodes in the marketing business.