重要敬告;建议在购买之前务必熟悉本 MSDS。
Warning! We would like to advise you read the products MSDS carefully before use.
Our product was produced entirely in a vacuum , so it needs to be stocked and use under special
circumstance as non wet, air humidity and other things isolation
1, 强烈建议使用时密封性完好,好使用一次性包装,一定做到只要是打开了好一次性使用完毕,因为
Please kindly keep the bo ttle( ) closed well when you use the glue, it is better if you buy the
glue in disposable tube( ), because the glue quality would be of effect after the bottle opened, and
the glue will be fast cure when contact with air humidity.
2, 强烈建议干燥低温冷藏(越低温越好但需越干燥越好建议 0C°以下好)差环境不可以持续 25C
°以上 60 天外。无冷藏条件发置干燥空调低温保存。请在使用胶水前半个小时从冰箱取出保存的睫
The glue should be stored under dry and low temperature(The glue quality will be more stable under dry with
0℃),it will be very bad if you stored the glue over 25℃ beyond 60days. Please kindly store the glue under
air-condition room with 25℃ if you do not have refrig erator. A nd you sh ould catch t he glue o ut of
refrigerator in half hour before using, and wipe the water away around the bottle, or the gl ue will be bad
quickly if contact with water.
3, 由于打开使用后再密封保存将不是本企业所能控制范围内的条件,所以本企业不承担打开后任何引起
We will not take the re sponsibility of opene d glue beca use we could not cont rol the shelf life when you
opened the container. So we would like to advise that closed the container perfectly with a suitable pin after
you squeeze the glue out , and sto ck the glue u nder dry and low temperature with sealed bag, the glu e
function will not be of effect seriously.
4, 本产品初步固化与嫁接结果受气候,潮湿,操作条件,工艺影响所以也不在本企业所能掌控以内责任。
The first cure and extension lasting time will be correlative with temperature, air humidity, and extension
skill, they are out of our control. (Objectively speaking,the more higher temperature and air humidity ,and
the more quickly first cure time.
5, 请切记在使用前用任何方式联系或咨询我们.
Please kindly feel free contact us before use our products.