袁大头银币的正面图案,中间为袁世凯戎装左侧面像,民国3年版民国三八九十年袁大头壹圆 的上方为"民国三年",民国8、9、10年版的为"民国*年造";背面图案均是两株交叉的稻穗,中央为"壹圆"、"中圆"(伍角)、"贰角"、"壹角"字样,后几种上方分别有"每二枚当一圆"、"每伍枚当一圆"和"每十枚当一圆"的字样;正面镌袁世凯侧面头像及发行年号,背面铸嘉禾纹饰与币值,袁大头的官版的成色为89.1%;该币的外环主要是直齿边,另外,还铸有少量工字边和花齿边。
Yuan dendang silver coin front design, the middle is yuan shikai rong installed left side, in the 3 version of the republic of China in 1989 and 1989 yuan dendang one yuan above the "three years of the republic of China", in the 8, 9, 10 version of the "republic of China * year made "; The patterns on the back are two crossed rice ears, with "one round", "medium round "(five jiao)," two jiao "and" one jiao "in the center. On the top of the latter several are the words" every two pieces should be a circle ", "every five pieces should be a circle" and "every ten pieces should be a circle". Positive Juan yuan shikai side head picture and issue year number, the reverse side casts golden grain to act the role of with monetary value, the official version of yuan big head becomes color is 89.1%; The outer ring of the coin is mainly straight tooth edge, in addition, there are also a small amount of I edge and tooth edge.
Historical significance
"Yuan big head" is known as the treasure of silver dollar in the field of currency collection. During the reign of emperor guangxu, silver COINS were cast in different provinces, but they were the same as the original silver grains. When the revolution of 1911 broke out, the provinces, eager to use the money, not only cast silver yuan, but also copper yuan, money and military tickets. The currency system became even more chaotic.
After the establishment of the republic of China, the central finance almost had no income, and the financial crisis was very serious. In the short term, issuing paper money is also a way to accumulate wealth. However, paper money is the representative of silver dollar and the exchange certificate. Without sufficient preparation and wide circulation of silver dollar, it is difficult to establish the credit of paper money. At this moment, the currency system reform is urgent -" yuan big head "silver dollar is based on this and is the inevitable result of the development of silver dollar. After years of casting, coupled with its high reputation, yuan's head has increased in number and circulates more and more. Yuan's "silver dollar" promoted the unification of silver dollar, and also prepared the conditions for "waste two yuan".
此枚袁大头为民国十年造,钱币重:26.8g 直径:3.9cm。该币背面两边嘉禾的连接处上下两边各带有两个半圆,形成一个天然的蝴蝶结(也像是两个阿拉伯数字8),然而在钱币背面的下方貌似有一支离弦之箭穿插而过,总体看起来也像是一支“系有蝴蝶结的指挥棒”!此枚钱币在所有袁大头制式钱币中极为特殊、极为,此枚钱币同样收藏、历史和研究投资价值,实为买家投资的!
Yuan's head was made in the tenth year of the republic of China. The coin weighs 26.8g and has a diameter of 3.9cm. On the back of the coin, there are two semicircles on both sides of the joint of golden harvest, forming a natural bow (also like two Arabic numerals 8). However, at the bottom of the back of the coin, there seems to be an arrow from the string intersecting, which looks like a "bow-tied baton" in general! This coin is in all yuan big head makes type coin extremely special, extremely rare, this coin has collect extremely likewise, history and research investment value, it is the first selection that buys the home to invest actually!
This coin will take part in the spring auction of rothschild in Singapore in 2019. If you are interested in this coin, please communicate with rothschild in time to discuss the auction.