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深圳市盛世拍卖有限公司,是颇具实力的拍卖企业之一。本公司秉承:发扬传统文化,创造辉煌未来的企业精神,规范化的操作和国际化的管理,能够为海内外朋友提供热情、、全面、周密的服务。 盛世拍卖定期举行春季、秋季等多场大型拍卖会,并不定期出席各类慈善拍卖、义卖会等活动。公司成立以来,在各级部门和社会各界的关心支持 下,通过公司上下全体员工的共同努力,克服各种困难,在推进依法规范执行、打造行业品牌,强化内部管理、深化公司改革,争创经济效益,承担社会责任等方面 取得了可喜成绩。今后,公司将以“您的满意,我的追求”为宗旨,坚持“公开、公平、公正、诚实信用”的原则,努力打造“高信誉、高水平、次、高服务” 的公司形象,进一步强化公司素质、增强服务功能,精心策划、周密布置,、规范运作,一如既往地为社会各界提供更加的服务。为海内外藏友提供拍卖平台。



Shenzhen Shengshi Auction Co., Ltd. is one of the most powerful auction companies. Adhering to the spirit of developing the traditional culture and creating a brilliant future, our company can provide a warm, professional, comprehensive and thorough service for friends both at home and abroad. Shengshi auctions regularly hold large-scale auctions in spring and autumn, and do not regularly attend various charitable auctions, charity sales and other activities. Since the founding of the company, with the support of the government departments at all levels and all walks of life, through the joint efforts of all the employees in the company, the company has overcome various difficulties, and has achieved the aspects of promoting the law enforcement, building industry brand, strengthening internal management, deepening the reform of the company, creating economic benefits and taking on social responsibility. Gratifying results. In the future, the company will be "your satisfaction, my pursuit" for the purpose, adhere to the principle of "open, fair, fair, honest and credit", and strive to create a "high reputation, high level, high grade, high service" company image, to further strengthen the quality of the company, enhance service ability, carefully planned, carefully arranged, efficient and efficient Standardized operation, as always, to provide better quality services to all sectors of the community. To provide high quality auction platform for Tibetan friends at home and abroad


Shenzhen Shengshi Auction Co., Ltd. has the world's leading strength not only in the fields of ancient calligraphy and painting, modern calligraphy and painting, antique treasures, contemporary art, contemporary Chinese ink and ink, ancient books, and contemporary arts and crafts, but also in jewelry clocks, Tianzhu and Tibetan Buddhism art, red wine liquor, science and technology antiques and so on. The domain has also completed the overall layout.

Shengshi auction is the most powerful auction company, the company has the ability to undertake any top art auction business, and has the confidence to make your products have a proud achievement. Rui Zang culture will offer you a richer artistic feast with more excellent service and more full confidence.








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@2009-2025 京ICP证100626