广州市八千里货架有限公司是快消品店货架、服装店货架、饰品店货架、服装店道具、店面设计、内衣店货架、名创优品店货架、伶俐品牌货架、超市货架、奥特莱斯店货架、KM男装货架、ZARA货架、UR男女装货架、HM店货架、迪卡侬货架、无印良品货架、悦诗风玲货架、GXG货架、PEACE BIRD货架等产品生产加工的公司,拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。广州市八千里货架有限公司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈,联系电话:赖小姐,公司地址:广州市白云区黄石西路222号欧亚达家居4楼。
从整体、全局着手,注重整体美,力求做到:形象鲜明, 款式集中,主题,具有强烈的主体和层次感从美学角度合理运用色彩搭配,做到和谐统一不论是大分类或小分类的商品,均应做整体NOME货架陈列。
一般情况下,由人的眼睛向下20度是易观看的。人类的平均视觉是由110度到120度,可视宽度范围为1。5M到2 M,在店铺内步行购物时的视角为60度,可视范围为1M。
Guangzhou miles long shelf co., LTD. Is the FMCG store shelves, clothing store shelves, shop shelves, clothing store props, store design, lingerie store shelves, merit goods store shelves, clever brand shelves, supermarket shelves, outlet stores shelves, KM men's clothing shelves, ZARA, UR men's shelves, HM store shelves, decathlon shelves, muji shelves, yue ling, GXG shelves and PEACE BIRD shelves and other products professional production and processing company, with complete and scientific quality management system. Guangzhou eight thousand miles shelf co., LTD. 's integrity, strength and product quality recognized by the industry. Welcome friends from all walks of life to visit, guidance and business negotiations, contact number: miss lai, company address: guangzhou baiyun district west huangshi road 222 Eurasia to live in the 4th floor.
Starting from the whole, the overall situation, pay attention to the overall beauty, and strive to achieve: distinct image, style concentration, prominent theme, with a strong sense of the main body and layers from the aesthetic perspective reasonable use of color collocation, achieve harmony and unity no matter it is large or small categories of goods, should do the overall NOME shelf display.
1. Safety of NOME shelf display
Queuing non-safety goods (beyond the shelf life, fresh poor, scar, taste deterioration), to ensure the stability of the display, to ensure that the goods are not easy to drop, should be appropriate to use vessels, spare goods. Carry out thorough sanitary management to give customers a sense of cleanliness.
2, NOME shelf display easy to see, easy to choose
In general, 20 degrees down from the human eye is the easiest way to see. The average human vision ranges from 110 to 120 degrees, with a visual width of 1. 5M to 2m. When walking shopping in the store, the viewing Angle is 60 degrees and the viewing range is 1M.
3, NOME shelf display easy access, easy to put back
When customers buy goods, they usually take the goods into their hands to confirm from all angles, and then decide whether to buy or not. Sometimes, of course, the customer will put the item back. If the goods on display are not easy to get or put back, the opportunity to sell may be lost simply because of this.