设备用途:该设备主要用于工业上零部件经过冲压、压铸、热处理、电子等行业的机械加工后和生产装配线的自动清洗,以去除零件表面沾附的机械润滑油、金属研磨油等有机溶剂及金属残屑、固体杂质污染物,达到真 空灭弧室使用要求。所清洗零件的材质为 :不锈钢 、铜、铁、铝 等。
Equipment application : The equipment is mainly used for the auto-washing of the precision parts such as transducers. The contaminants that shall be washed away are organic solvents such as mechanical lubricant, metal grinding oil and other and solid impurities like metal debris. Work pieces materials requirement: stainless steel, aluminum alloy, The material of parts to wash: stainless steel, brass, iron, aluminum 。
The equipment has a process:Automatic feeding and unloading --spray wash – ultrasonic wash – spray intensive wash – vacuum ultrasonic intensive wash – steam bath wash + vacuum drying
清洗节拍 : 15-16 分钟 /篮 (可调 )
Washing pace:15-16min/basket(adjustable)