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铭泽液压压砖机可压制各种形状的砖,异形砖等 Mingze hydraulic press press various shapes of brick, special-shaped brick etc. 设备优点:Equipment advantage 电气系统采用国际品牌-西门子显示屏及可编程控制器PLC,可全自动、半自动、手动运行。全自动循环运行,配备数据输入输出装置,控制系统包括安全逻辑控制及故障诊断系统,远程监控系统。 进口的液压主件及密封件,液压元件采用高动态性能比例阀,可根据不同的工作要求调节油量和压力,控制关键部件的动作。 选用耐高温电机,电机能在130摄氏度下长期安全地使用,极限温度高达180摄氏度。 机体采用、高强度铸件及特殊焊接技术和材料制造,刚性好、耐振、寿命长。 该机采用台面振动加压成型,采用往复导向喂料装置,成型周期短、生产。 摆臂式送板机,运用曲柄连杆机构,将曲柄的圆周运动转换成行走架的直线往复运动,托板启停时平稳,无冲击。出砖平稳。 主机的4根导柱为活动的,脱模同步性、设备稳定性更好。下滑块与导柱采用锥形胀紧套连接,拆装方便。压头、模箱的上下位置均设置丝杆限位装置,定位准,制品高度一致性好。 采用、电、液一体化结合的技术,程序互锁,安全可靠,使设备运转的每一个循环过程一致。因而成型产品稳定性高,废品率低。 一机多用,通过更换模具可生产不同规格多孔砖、标砖、空心砌块,路缘石、路面砖及植草砖、护坡砖等制品密实度高。 液压压砖机压制多空砖,及其参数 适合砖型及产量: 制品规格 长*宽*高(mm) 成型数量 每小时生产量 生产周期 多孔砖 240*115*90 16块 3168块 18秒/次 标 砖 240*115*53 32块 6300块 18秒/次 空心砖 390*190*190 5块 990块 18秒/次 (四)设备特点: 1、采用建丰振动专利技术双振台,使得传振效果更加显著。 2、往复拨叉式强制快速布料均匀。 3、激震与液压结合,产品均匀的密实度。 4、全自动控制,采用日本进口电脑PC控制,有效的使机械振动与液压 的密切配合,成品率高,故障率极低。 5、粉煤灰、炉渣、煤矸石等工业废渣均可作为原材料。 Suitable for brick type and production: Products specifications length * width * height (mm) number Output per hour production cycle Porous brick 240 * 115 * 90 16 pieces of 3168 pieces of 18 seconds/times Standard brick 240 * 115 * 53 32 pieces of 6300 pieces of 18 seconds/time Hollow brick 390 * 190 * 5 190 190 pieces of 18 seconds/time (4) characteristics of the equipment: 1, adopt jianfeng patent technology double resonance vibration table, make the effect more pronounced. 2, reciprocating fork type fast cloth forcibly. 3, shock and hydraulic combination, to ensure that the product evenly compactness. 4, automatic control, adopts PC computer control, imported from Japan and effective work closely with the vibration and hydraulic machinery, high yield, low failure rate. 5, fly ash, slag, coal gangue and other industrial waste residue can be used as raw materials. 液压砖机上可以使用各种模具生产所需要的砖。 各种型号免烧砖机模具。砌块模具,空心砖模具,八孔砖模具,面包砖模具,植草砖模具、彩砖模具系列,模具钢材才有合金钢制作,加工工艺,精度高。省内用户可以免费上门测量原模具尺寸。该模具具有抗震,耐磨,制作成品尺寸误差小。 制砖机模具空心砖模具制作精度高、难度大、生产周期长,配套和合理使用模具是用户购机之前就要综合考虑的要点,从安装、使用开始,请用户根据客户提供的图纸审查各种模具。 安装或更换新、旧模具,一定要避免冲撞、磕碰,文明装配,注意保护模具。使用中经常检查模具尺寸,焊接结合部位状况,出现焊缝裂纹,应及时修补,出现磨损过快要调整骨料粒度,磨损过度影响制品质量需另配新模具。 The hydraulic machine may need to use various mold bricks. . Various types of brick mould. Die block, hollow brick mold, mold eight hole brick, brick bread mold, grass brick mold, color brick mould series, steel mold is made of high quality alloy steel, advanced processing technology, high precision. Users can measure the size of the original mold free home. The mould has the advantages of shock resistance, abrasion resistance and precision of finished products. Die of a hollow brick making machine mould making difficult, high precision, long production cycle, complete and rational use of mold is to consider the user points before the purchase, from the installation and use, please review all users according to the drawings provided by the customer mold. The installation or replacement of old and new mold, must avoid collision and collision and civilized assembly, pay attention to the protection of the mold. Frequently used in the inspection of the size of the mold, the combination of welding parts of the situation, the emergen








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@2009-2025 京ICP证100626