Shenzhen terrazzo renovation, polishing, polishing, construction throughout the country, excellent solid floor:
Terrazzo renovation process:
1 、利用水磨石翻新机器,将已老化陈旧 或质变的石材如黄斑、深度划痕、深层污点等,强力抛去表面 1-2mm ,露出新的层面再镜面处理,配合石材打磨机采用不同磨片从 低目到高目依次进行打磨并抛光使其达到要求亮度 。
1, the use of terrazzo refurbished machines, will have obsolete or qualitative stones such as macular, deep scratch, deep stains, strong thrown to the surface of 1-2mm, revealing new aspects with the mirror treatment, stone grinding machine with different grinding from low to high mesh grinding and polishing in order to meet the required brightness.
2 、用结晶粉配合石材抛光机,使水磨石表面结晶硬化以提高水磨石的耐磨度,再用结晶剂进行表面晶面养护。
2, with crystal powder with stone polishing machine, terrazzo surface crystallization hardening, in order to improve the abrasion resistance of terrazzo, and then crystallization agent for surface crystal maintenance.
3 、水磨石镜面处理完后其表面硬度可达普通麻石硬度,其表面光泽度可达 90 度以上。
3, terrazzo mirror after processing the surface hardness of up to more than the ordinary granite hardness, surface gloss can reach 90 degrees.
4 、处理后水磨石表面能耐水、耐污、防滑、耐弱酸碱。其他性质同花岗岩。
4, after treatment, terrazzo surface can be waterproof, dirt resistant, skid resistant, weak acid base. Other properties are similar to granite.
5 、日常保养不需打腊抛光、每月视情况做局部抛光或季度周期抛光、即可长久保持良好表面效果。
5, routine maintenance do not need to wax polishing, monthly depending on the situation to do local polishing or quarterly cycle polishing, you can maintain a good surface effect for a long time.
6 、水磨石翻新处理后品质典雅 , 有进口天然云石的华贵、又具有花岗石的硬度、而且经济实惠。
6, terrazzo refurbished processing quality after elegant, imported natural marble and granite with luxury, hardness, and economic benefits.
Advantages of terrazzo after renovation:
1, hardness: after treatment, the surface can not afford dust, abrasion resistance, scratch resistance, and extend the service life of the stone floor.
2, mirror effect: terrazzo surface can achieve the same natural stone luster, high finish. The luminosity is up to 105 degrees or more.
3, good resistance to pollution: corrosion resistance, oil, waterproof, impermeable, antifouling, water absorption is less than 0.5%.
4, easy maintenance: daily cleaning and maintenance easy, greatly reduce the late maintenance cost of clean, daily only by pushing dust with electrostatic dust push dust, regular neutral detergent cleaning or polishing terrazzo surface stone care
Shenzhen terrazzo floor renovation waxing, Shenzhen terrazzo refurbished in Shenzhen terrazzo grinding, polishing wax and solid renovation of a dragon, Shenzhen solid terrazzo renovation project department