路盛(Ruzet)蓄电池产品须经过200多道的制造和检测流程。依赖的计算机辅助 设计、计算机控制制造和检测手段,以及艺术级工艺流程,路盛(Ruzet)蓄电池拥有超凡品质,在高性 能和可靠性以及性方面获得致高声誉。
作为技术的阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池公司之一,路盛科技(Ruzet Technologies Co.)在数据机房、通讯、输配电、能源交通、化工电子、金融、医疗卫生、和海事、风能和太阳能 、智能建筑等行业的电能储备保障领域不懈努力,着力研发,着欧洲乃至全球的蓄电池储能技术前 沿。
路盛(Ruzet)蓄电池产品须经过200多道的制造和检测流程。依赖的计算机辅助 设计、计算机控制制造和检测手段,以及艺术级工艺流程,路盛(Ruzet)蓄电池拥有超凡品质,在高性 能和可靠性以及性方面获得致高声誉。
与产品性能一样,路盛(Ruzet)的全球销售服务体系同样出色,在技术咨询,方案设 计,产品销售,物流配送,安装调试,维护保养,蓄电池回收循环等诸多方面,向路盛(Ruzet)蓄电池 客户提供及时细致的贴心服务。路盛(Ruzet)更提供原厂超长质保期。
路盛(Ruzet)获得了世界三大船级社之一的法国船级社BV认证,获得UKAS严格的 ISO9001和ISO14001体系的证书。
在中国,路盛(Ruzet)不仅在此建立了亚太总部,还在北京、上海、广州、成都建立 了客服代表机构,为客户提供7*24小时的本地化细致服务。
相比于全球同类品牌,法国路盛(Ruzet)产品具有更长的质量期,更好的性能价 格比,以及更的技术支持和服务,是您信心的来源和保障!
路盛(Ruzet)科技自豪于她对环境保护的责任和承诺。环保措施被全面执行于路盛( Ruzet)电池及其附件的设计、制造、分销、物流和回收等诸多环节。路盛(Ruzet)科技回收我们的蓄 电池产品,并且将之进行分解和的闭环回收。
“总是致力于为我们的客户提供更好的储能系统解决方案。”正是这个关键主题驱使 我们不断前进。并且它已经带来了许多的收获:在本行业积极的研发主动性之一,众多的, 的产品可靠性,以及细致的路盛人。
在实际和发展和客户定制解决方案过程中我们不仅仅依赖我们已有的知识,与研 发机构和院校的固定的经验交流让我们保持正确的新发展发向。加强与行业伙伴的合作更在经济性优 势和技术性两方面创造了能源概念的依据。
来自于路盛(RUZET)的每套蓄电池系统也因此成为可以回报用户的投资---更长的期 望运行寿命,更可可靠的设备系统,更大的储能效率,更少的维护和运行成本。
Ruzet Battery provides the highest quality and most environmentally responsible sealed battery solutions for specialized deep-cycle and standby power applications. We take pride in our dedicated people and in our total commitment to offering the most reliable products, world-class service and support, and maximum overall value to the diverse markets we serve.
Whether your application requires extended cycle life, long duration at low rates of discharge, minimal recharge time or maximum high-rate performance, we supplies only the highest quality batteries available anywhere. Our batteries are manufactured to the highest standards to assure that we are delivering to you the most effective technology for your unique requirements.
Whenever and wherever you need, Ruzet is ready to ship fresh and high quality energy store system and deliver total-service from nearest point to our customers, 24hours×365days—Ruzet offers timely support for your success.
Ruzet take pride of its commitment to the environment. With our additional facilities and distribution system worldwide, we recycle spent lead-acid batteries. It can let us make contribution for a better environment and do something for solving the challenges faced by modern society in its efforts to combat bbbbbb warming.
Ruzet is operated with ISO9001/ISO14001 process certificated by Bureau Veritas. Our quality commitment and environment commitment ensure customers' trust for Ruzet energy store system.
Company Vows
"Power Customers' Success", this is our motto.
"Always try our best to offer our customers even better solutions in energy store system." This is the key subject which drives us forward.
And it has already yielded many results: one of the biggest research and development initiatives in the industry, numerous innovations, outstanding reliability of our products, and meticulous staff of Ruzet.In the development of practical and customized solutions we do not just rely on our own know-how. A permanent exchange of experience with research establishments and universities keeps us right up-to-date. Intensive cooperation with industry also creates the basis for energy concepts which are both economically persuasive and technically advanced.
Every battery system from Ruzet is therefore an investment which will repay the user - through longer life expectancy, more dependable equipment system, greater energy savings and lower maintenance and operating costs.
浮充电压:13.5-13.8 V/节 @25℃
均衡充电:13.8-14.1 V/节 @25℃
循环使用充电电压:14.4 - 15.0 V/节 @25℃