布袋除尘器处理方式: 一:烧压处理 这种处理主要是用火口对着快速行走的表面,把一些绒毛烧除掉,然后用高温辊对除尘布袋的表面进行烫平,从而使除尘布袋的表面光滑,更加容易清灰。这样做既可以提高滤料清灰的性能,同时也可以增加对细微粉尘的收集效果。 二:抗静电处理一些粉尘在的浓度状态下,遇到火花很容易就会被点燃。所以如果布袋除尘器要过滤易燃或易爆的粉尘的话一定要选用经过抗静电处理的针刺毡滤料。抗静电滤料是指在布袋除尘器的滤料的纤维中混入了一些可以导电的纤维或基布中织有导电功能的条状纱支,使布袋除尘器的整个滤料都具备导电的性能,在布袋除尘器的使用过程中可以把静电通过滤料导向布袋除尘器的箱体和地面,防止静电火花造成的爆炸事故。 三:防水防油处理采用对针刺毡滤料进行碳氟树脂和PTFE浸渍的处理方式,使除尘布袋的表有疏水性,水珠在除尘布袋表面形成荷叶上可以滚动的效果,这样可以让捕集粉尘的效率提高,而且这样也可以有限的避免和减轻温差比较大时因结露发生糊袋及腐蚀布袋的现象。
This series product host the transparent pu type medium pressure and high pressure fan fan, has simple structure, low energy consumption, less noise and stable operation, high filtration efficiency hd effect, take up the space is lttle, convenient remove ash hopper,long service life, easy maintenance, mobile and other significant performance advantages of flexible operation, stable work, and relatively low cost, is the ideal environmental protection equipment.
The dust containing gas of the dust collector enters the dust collector's uniform flow chamber under the action of the centrifugal force of the medium-pressure fan. After the fine particle size and small density enters each filter chamber, the dust precipitates on the surface of
the filter core through combined effects such as brown diffusion and screen fltration, and the purified gas enters the cdlean air chamber and is discharged by the exhaust pipe through the fan. The resistance of the equipment increases with the increase of the thickness of the dust
layer on the surface of the filter bag. Remove dust when resistance reaches a set value. At this time, open the dust collector compressed air switch to pass through the cylinder in a very short time, and under the action of reverse airflow scour, make the cylinder plate vibrate up and
down, so that the dust attached on the outer surface of the filter bag is stripped and dropped into the ash hopper.