Aeration equipment use method 1, cleaning the pipe inside the foreign body, and maintain the cleanness of the pipe. 2, check the bolts and end connection tightness. 3, you must install the belt cover, to prevent such as clothes and hands involved in between the belt and pulley. 4, gate valves on the pipeline must be opened entirely, or overpressure fan work, machine damage. 5, add gear oil, oil to the center position of the fan factory, gear box is not add gear oil. 6, check the triangle was tension and pulley, so as not to have to burn with phenomenon. 7, charging bearing grease, oil gun to oil from the drainage hole emission on the gland fan factory, including bearing grease. 8, turn the pulley by hand, confirm the fan rotation is geomagnetic may start running. 9, check the power supply and cable connections, boot from the side of belt pulley for counterclockwise for of drive shaft rotation direction. 曝气设备使用方法1、清扫管道内的异物,并保持管道内的清洁。2、检查螺栓、落幕的连接松紧情况。3、安装皮带罩,防止衣服和手等卷入皮带和皮带轮之间。4、将管道上的闸阀全部打开,否则风机超压工作,机器受损。5、加入齿轮油,至油标中心位置风机出厂时,齿轮箱未加入齿轮油。6、检查三角带张力和皮带轮偏正,以免有烧带现象。7、加注轴承润滑脂,可用油枪加至油从压盖上的泄油孔泄出为止风机出厂时,已含轴承润滑脂。8、用手转动皮带轮,确认风机转动无异常时方可启动运转。9、检查电源及电缆线的连接,开机时从皮带轮侧看主动轴回转方向为逆时针为正传。