乐泰EA 3335透明UV耐热耐水耐腐蚀光通讯光路胶
粘度 5000-7000cp 固化条件 UV 硬度80shoreA Tg值 135℃ CTE,低于Tg温度59ppm/℃ CTE,Tg值温度 ppm/℃
LOCTITE ABLESTIK JM 7000 die attach adhesive has been
formulated for use in high throughput die attach applications. This
material has been used successfully on rigid substrates with die sizes
up to 700 mils.
LOCTITE ABLESTIK JM 7000 has been approved by DESC and
Rome Laboratory for military products.
ABLESTIK 5020胶膜 绝缘胶膜
广州5020胶膜 深圳汉高5020胶膜 西安ablesitk 5020胶膜 山东ablestik5020胶膜 石家庄导电胶 河北导电胶 上海导电胶