近遇到很多客户反应 造纸厂用户 说药剂反应效果很明显 但是压泥太细 千里迢迢跑去看了只好 才发现客户的问题很简单 加药地方不对 只在气浮池里面加药 加了pac pam 然后到压滤机前 直接上压泥机 中间没有添加任何药剂 只是不对的 需要在亚你钱 在搅拌机里加入聚烯酰胺 聚烯酰胺的使用一定要溶剂透彻 不然溶剂不开 不均匀 是没有效果的 根本不是工艺问题 设备不需要改变 请客户不要着急 亲爱的客户朋友 不管你是多大的客户多小的客户 有问题 我们定当竭尽全力 为您解决 河南安家净 竭诚为您服务 At present, water purifying agent polyaluminum chloride is widely used and widely used in water treatment chemicals.
1: polyaluminium chloride is the price of water treatment chemicals at present.
2: polyaluminium chloride is a cheap water purifying agent with good effect.
3: polyaluminum chloride is adapted to a wide range of water.
The above three points are the three reasons for the treatment of wastewater treatment by polyaluminum chloride, which usually uses the surface water as a purifying water plant for urban drinking or industrial water sources, as well as all kinds of industrial wastewater, municipal wastewater treatment, oilfield groundwater reinjection and sludge disposal, which often use flocculation treatment as a large number of processing processes. There is a lack of key technology of key technology. To a large extent, the effect of flocculation treatment determines the operation status of the subsequent treatment process, and the