A、使用方法:将注塑机温度调高 10 度至 20 度把适量的清洁粉混合在塑料中(如转用塑 料,可混合将要使用的塑料),混合后将材料放入料斗中,先将马达速度调慢,把混合料 压出至模头,待见到混合料后再把马达速度调快少许,然后每隔 2 分钟进行注塑。
B、用量8 安机:80-100 克清洁粉/2-4公斤塑料,24 安机:150-200克清洁粉/4-6公斤塑 料,原料成份不同,以上份量亦按不同需要而定。可先加入少许白矿油以防止清洁粉四散。 因每种色粉及。
C、注意:如不慎把清洁粉沾入眼中,请用大量清水沖洗警 告:使用前作小样测试而作出肯定。内含压力气体,勿让儿童玩耍,勿近火源使 用,勿挤压与碰撞,不可曝晒或燃烧,存放在 40℃ 以下阴凉、通风乾燥处。
A, the use of methods: injection molding machine temperature increase 10 degrees to 20 degrees to the right amount of cleaning powder mixed in plastics (such as the conversion of plastic, can be mixed to use plastic), after mixing the material into the hopper, the motor speed is slow, the mixture out to die, to see the mixture after the motor speed up a little, then every 2 minutes for injection.
B, dosage 8 An machine: 80-100 grams of clean powder /2-4 kg of plastic, 24 An machine: 150-200 grams of clean powder /4-6 kg of plastic, raw materials are different, the above amount is also determined by different needs. Can add a little white mineral oil to prevent cleaning powder scattered. Because each kind of toner and.
C, note: if carelessly clean powder dipped into the eyes, please rinse with plenty of water. Warning: to make sure the sample test before use. Containing gas under pressure, do not let the child play, not near the fire source, do not squeeze and collision, not exposure or burning, stored in 40 DEG C cool, ventilated and dry place.