大功率 40w
工作电压 18v
工作电流 2.22A
开路电压 21.5v
短路电流 2.45A
电池片数量 36
电池板尺寸 530*500*25mm
Maximum system voltage (V) 1000
Temperature Range 工作温度范围 -40℃ ---85℃
Tolerance Wattage (e.g. +/-5%) ± 5%
Surface Maximum Load Capacity 60m/s (200kg/sq.m)
Weight per piece (kg) 电池板重量 ≈4kg
Junction Box Type 接线盒 PPO, black
Cell Size(mm)硅片规格 156*156
Cell Efficiency (%) 转换效率 ≥18.4%
Frame (Material, Corners, etc.) Anodized Aluminum Alloy
Standard Test Conditions测试标准参数 AM1.5 100MW/c㎡ 25℃
Warranty 产品 5 years for the whole product, for the power, 90% within the first decade, 80% for the next decade.
FF (%) 电池板填充率 ≥73.3%