常德内外墙涂料 保温涂料高铝含量 低密度细漂珠 灰白色漂珠厂家报价80目漂珠
Drift beads characteristics
1, high refractoriness, the main chemical compositions for silicon drift beads, aluminum oxide, silica (SiO2) about 50-65%, 3 oxidation 2 aluminium (Al2O3) about 25-35%.Because the melting point of silica (SiO2) is as high as 1725 degrees Celsius, 3【漂珠介绍】
1、高耐火度:漂珠的主要化学成分为硅、铝的氧化物,其中二氧化硅(SiO2)约为50-65%,三氧化二铝(Al2O3)约为25-35%。因为二氧化硅(SiO2)的溶点高达1725摄氏度,三氧化二铝(Al2O3)的溶点为2050摄氏度,均为高耐火物质。因此,漂珠具有的耐火度,一般达1600-1700摄氏度,使其成为的耐火材料。 oxidation 2 aluminium (Al2取向,但并不妨碍我对恋者的尊重、理解、关怀。因为说到底,他们和我们,并没有什么不一样,为何不用一种开放的心态来对O3), the melting point of 2050 degrees Celsius, are all high refractory material.Therefore, drift beads have high refractoriness, generally 1600-1600 degrees Celsius, make its excellent h处理站,每天有170万吨污水进入,如污水中的污泥含量为1%,则每天有一万七千吨的污泥需处理。那么一个地区,一个省,乃至全国,每天需处理的污水,污泥量将会是一个惊人的数目。因此“高分子量聚丙烯酰胺”的开发和应用,其市场前景非常广阔。 溶解非离子聚丙烯酰胺粉末注意要点: 1、先用常温的自来水将igh performance refractories.
2, light, heat preservation and heat insulation: drift beads thin wall hollow, empty cavity for half a vacuum, only trace amounts of the gas (N2 and H2 and CO2, etc.), heat transfer is very slow.So drift beads not only light (250-450 kg/m3 density), excellent heat preservation and heat insulation and thermal conductivity at room temperature (0.08-0.1), which play a prominent role in the field of lightweight the