莆田耐火保温板材添加料漂珠 电厂漂珠 冒口漂珠 铸造冒口漂珠报价多少钱一吨 空心漂珠 漂珠是一种能浮于水面的粉煤灰空心球,呈灰白色,壁薄中空,重量轻,容重为250-450kg/m3,粒径约0.1毫米,表面封闭而光滑,热导率小,耐火度≥1700℃,是优良的保温耐火材料,广泛用于轻质浇注料的生产和石油钻井方面。漂珠的化学成份以二氧跳上他的背,让他背着走。如果他有外心,小兽一样扑过去撕打他。如果他留下来,那么他是爱你的;如果他走掉,那就不要再记起他。虽然这样极端,但是不能委屈自己,也不委屈爱情。
us, 3 oxidation 2 aluminium melting point of 2050 degrees Celsius, are all high refractory material.Drift beads, therefore, has a very high refractoriness, generally 1600-1600 degrees centigrade, making it a superior quality refractory materials.
2, qualitative light, heat preservation and heat insulation;Drift beads thin wall hollow, empty cavity for half a vacuum, only trace amounts of the gas (N2 and H2 and CO2, etc.), heat transfer is very slow.So drift beads not only light (250-450 kg/m3 density), excellent heat preservation and heat insulation and thermal conductivity at room temperature (0.08-0.1), which play a prominent role in the field of lightweight thermal insulation material for its laid a solid foundation.
3, high hardness, high strength;Because of drift beads on silicon aluminum oxide mineral phases (quartz and mullite) formation of hard vitreous, hardness of Morse 6-7, hydrostatic strength up to 70-140 mpa, true density is 2.10 2.20 g/cm3, therefore, drift beads with high strength.
4, insulated non-conductive;Insulation resistance are commonly by the rise of temperature, drift beads, on the other hand, increases with the increase of temperature resistance.This advantage is don't have other insulating materials.So, it is can make excellent insulation.5, particle size, specific surface area;Drift beads natural formation of the particle size of 1-250 microns.Specific surface area of 300-360 - g/cm2, and cement.Therefore, drift beads without grinding, can be used directly.Fineness can meet the needs of a variety of products.
2、 质轻、保温隔热;漂珠壁薄中空,空腔内为半真空,只有极微量的气体(N2、H2及CO2等),热传导极慢极微。所以漂珠不但质轻(容重250-450公斤/m3),而且保温隔热(导热系数常温0.08-0.1),这为其在轻质保温隔热材料领域大显身手奠定了基础。